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Two days later

"I can't believe this, The police has been searching for her and found nothing" Jennie says worried about her  bestfriend "I know we're gonna have to put matter's in our own hands cause the police ain't doing sh*t my grandma is in there worried and she starting to get more sick" Taehyun says angrily his father rubs his back "We can't do that it's dangerous even more dangerous since we don't know what kind of person took her" his father said worried about of what could happen to them "But dad-" Taehyun said before his dad interrupted "please taehyun" his said before taehyun got up and went outside "It's okay don't worry about him" Jennie said to him before running after Taehyun.


"Yesterday was fun but something is up with that girl and jungkook I could feel it" Irene says while walking with Jisoo, Taehyung and her husband "I know, I have a feeling that jungkook kidnapped that girl but she acted scared for her and Jungkook kept glaring her, so she wouldn't slip up, not mention him not leaving her side" Taehyung said Jisoo heard the both of them then stop to turn to them "I know my brother is a mafia in all, but that mean everything he has he does bad things to get it" she said defending Jungkook "But jisoo you can't swear for him because jungkook does anything to get what even if it is to kill or kidnap a person he'll do it" Jin said agreeing with Tae and Irene.

"You what I don't care what you guys say because you guys only expect bad things of Jungkook and me and Lisa are the only was to see good in him and that's why she's gonna marry him, so I don't care about anything else you guys have to say, so even try to convince me" Jisoo said angrily at them when a flyer flew to her feet, she took it up "So said so done Missing girl Lalisa Manobal please inform if found" Jin said looking at the flyer then looking at Jisoo "with the told you so" who was shocked by what she was seeing, but very angry.

"We're going back right now" she said angrily turning back to Jungkook house with other's following not surprised by the flyer.


"Taehyun!" Jennie says grabbing Taehyun hands who was crying "What do you want!" He shouted at Jennie wiping his tears, Jennie pulled him into a hug as he cried more as she rubs his back while she also cried "She okay I know she is even though she's missing" Jennie says still crying, but trying to calm done Taehyun "I know she is but I need her here..with me...us" he says as more tears rush done his cheeks.

After a fews they went inside they were sitting round the dinner table with food on each of their plate, but not one of them to eat "We need to eat something" Lisa's father said picking up his fork as he started eating "Am not hungry" Taehyun says about get up when Jennie held his hand "Please eat" she looked him with pure love it made Taehyun all fuzzy inside, but he didn't say but he back sat down, He tried to eat, but he couldn't Jennie saw and she took the fork from him and tried to feed him "Oh hell no" he said Jennie and his father laughed but grandma didn't Jennie then put down the fork "grandma please eat your food so you can take your medication" Jennie said feeling worried once again for grandma "It's okay I took them already" grandma said smiling but Jennie didn't believe it "Grandma I don't believe you. Where are your medications" Jennie said getting up from her sit looking for grandma's medication.


"Jungkook!" Jisoo shouts pushing the doors open with her husband, Irene and her brother behind her gaining Jungkook's attention who just looks at them with dullness and Joy and Lisa frighten from how the door was pushed open. Jisoo walked up to jungkook "How dare you do that!" She says about to slap jungkook when he held her hand and look at her with darkness in his eye's "Don't you dare try that again!" Jungkook shouts at her when her husband push him "Don't you ever do that do my woman!" He said going up into jungkook's face who just laughed. Jin went in the middle of the two putting one his hands to the direction of them "You two calm!" He says to the both them while his wife and Jisoo just shake their heads at Jungkook.

Lisa and Joy just stood their watching what went down without muttering at word. Jisoo saw Lisa and was signaling her to come over to her, she was about go when "Don't you dare take a step over to her" Jungkook said in deep voice sending chills down her spine freezing legs still, "Don't be scared of him come Lisa we're gonna bring you back to your family" Jisoo said Lisa wanted go but she was scared of what jungkook would do she looked at Joy for help, joy said nothing but shake her head as a No "Lisa your family most worried be sick so please he won't hurt you we're here" Jisoo said because she knew she had saw a boy that look like lisa walking home from the police station while coming here, hearing that lisa ran Jisoo who hug her and went infront of her with Irene backing her up causing Jungkook to get angry.

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