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He smiled while I passed him the things he needed after I felt like I wanted some cookies "Can I bake some cookies aswell" I asked "Only if I can help" He said she nodded then turn back to look at me "okay yes" she said she made the frosting then squeeze it in paper on the plate.

He smiled while I passed him the things he needed after I felt like I wanted some cookies "Can I bake some cookies aswell" I asked "Only if I can help" He said she nodded then turn back to look at me "okay yes" she said she made the frosting then ...

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Jungkook's pov:

She looked so beautiful when she focused she suddenly turned around to vomit in the sink "Are you okay" I said as she vomits she nods "You don't look okay" I said holding her hair as not to get vomiting on it she was finish and wipe her mouth with a napkin then washed her hands then went back to squeezing the frosting "It's okay I'll done" I said taking it from her "But I wanna do it" she said taking back "Lisa give it am gonna do it your pregnant just calm down" I said taking it back she holds on to do it "Lisa let get it go and don't be disobedient" I said but she still held on to it with a pout so gentle I slapped her hands off doing myself she pouted then went to sit down.

I was finish cooking and baking so I brought our breakfast with dessert her eyes light up seeing the food and she eat alot "Wow you're a really got cook and baker" she said stuffing her face I smile until she choke I knocked her back bring her water she drank it then continue to stuff her face "Are you gonna eat that" she said point a my food to be honest I didn't have an appetite to eat so I shake my head as a no she drawed my food towards stuffing her face with it as hers is finish "Take time or you'll choke again or you'll throw up" I told her she nodded and slowed down abit.

After she ate she held her baby "Are you okay?" I asked concerned touching her shoulders "Yeah am fine" she said assuring me "Okay you can go lay down while I go wash the dishes" I said "No I wanna help and don't wanna just lay down and do nothing" she said with a pout I smiled "okay you can help with the dishes but nothing else she smiled then nodded.

We started washing the dishes when she asked "Why did you act the way did?" She asked still focusing on the dishes while I froze "what do you mean?" I asked "I mean why were you so abusive, agressive and ignorant then your so kind, caring and loving?" She asked bring back to the reason why am like this.

The past Author's pov:

Jungkook was 6 "Papa can I go out to play with the other kids" Young Jungkook asked his dad "No! You can't hangout with those weak brats who have nothing ahead of them but death, so no go train!" His father yelled angry gain is mother's attention "You can't let him work like that James atleast let him have some fun please" she asked for her son to have a childhood James looked her angrily "Listen here bethany this is my house, my son and you're my wife and I can do that whatever I want!" He said angrily "No we're not yours you don't own us, we have our own li-" She said before a slap landed on her face "You better shut up and be quiet you good for nothing slut!" He yelled at her then grabbed jungkook's hand while she crys leading him to the train room.

"Dad why do you treat mom like that" Young innocent Jungkook asked "Well that's how I show my love" He said Jungkook smiled "So to show my love I should treat the person like that" Jungkook asked "Yes Jungkook" he said.

After Training: Jungkook is 16
"Jungkook am not happy in the way you perform today this is why I don't let you hangout with those weak sh*ts" His father said disappointed with made Jungkook said cause you putted out all he had even though he was tired cause he has been training all night "Am sorry I promise I do better" Jungkook said in pain from the cuts and bruises he had.

His father only walked away which made Jungkook more sad he went back to his room where he saw Jin sitting on the floor "What are you doing in here" Jungkook said closing the door "To tell you that you stupid for trying so hard to please that especially at your age when we both know he doesn't and will never love you or anybody" Jin said "Shut the f*ck up Jin you're just freaking jealous that dad favors me more than you" jungkook said back angrily "Well we don't wanna be fav-" Jin said before hearing screams from downstairs "HATE YOU SO MUCH" Bethany yelled at James before he started beating the living hell out of her Jin started running downstairs when Jungkook held his hand "He's just showing her his love" he said before Jin removed his hand out from his "Are f*cking stupid don't you see he's gonna f*cking kill her" Jin said running downstairs as Jungkook follows meeting Jisoo down there trying to pull him off her mom "Leave my mom alone you evil man" she said grabbing his jacket.

When Jin spot a gun taking up and aiming at their dad "Put that down before I kill your b*tich of a mother" He said serious and smiling like a mad psycho but Jin didn't get scared.

James guards came running in one grabbing Jisoo off James aiming a gun at Jin cause him to drop the gun while James laughed "You thought you could kill me not over my dead body" he said with a smudge look while bethany cried while Jungkook hugged her tightly he looked at them then rolled his eye's "Guards tie them up and put them in the basement am gonna give them a show before I killed this b*tich" he ordered and the guards do as told.

They all were tied to chairs with tapes on their mouths. They saw their father dragging their mother inside the basement throwing her on the floor at that moment Jin and Jisoo tried moving but they ropes were tie tightly even leaving marks on their skin well Jungkook stood their froze and confuse "why are they acting like this he just showing his love" he thought to himself.

James started removing bethany's clothes making Jin and Jisoo cry "Please not infront of my children please" she begged crying but james ignore her, she was raped infront of kids we were traumatized by what they had seen and in tears then james turned to jungkook who was looking in shock of what he'd just seen "And that's the way you show your love my son" he said touching  Jungkook's face"Look at her face your a living image of me, so I can tell your gonna be just like me now promise me my son that you always obey me even when am on the grave" he said removing Jungkook's tape of his mouth, so he can answer.

When jungkook open his mouth he heard his siblings shaking their heads and murmurs with the tape sound like they're telling him to say no "I promise father" he said as his father smiled "That's my son" he said then grabbing his gun "why did you do that to her dad?" Jungkook asked his father smirked "Ending my loving and giving her peace in hell son" he said shooting her in the head stepping over her leaving while Jisoo and Jin cried.

The guards came and untie them. They all ran to their moms dead body shaking her and crying "I- I don't know what he means" Jungkook said still surprised "It was obviously because he didn't love her and wanted her dead since forever" Jisoo said looking her mom "she was such a beautiful soul for such a awful man" Jisoo said crying.

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