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"What do you mean your future the Mafia's Bride we're not engaged and we hardly know each other?" I asked him hoping to bring him back to his senses but he only laughs "I don't worry love the engagement will be settled soon since next week we're getting married and also I know everything about you so, It's all about me so, am-" Jungkook said before being interrupt by lisa.

 "What do you mean we're getting next married next week and also how do you do much about me?!" Lisa shouted taking his hands off her and getting up from the standing looking at him" As I said before we're getting married and there's nothing that's gonna change now let me explain who I am. Am the biggest Mafia in world who keeps a low profile in order not attract alot of enemies, just by me saying that you must know how I found out who you are" jungkook said "But I don't wanna marry you and I don't love you and I won't ever love you" Lisa said sounding like she was gonna cry "I don't freaking care we're gonna get married no matter what happens, no matter how freaking much you hate me" he said Lisa starts to cry again "But why? what do you want from me?" she asked "What more should I want but you Lalisa Manobal" he said sounding obsessed while lisa crys more "Just please let me go my grandmother will died if I-" She said crying.

Jungkook then kissed her pulling her closer to him while she looked at him shocked "Don't worry I'll deal with all of that My Bride just worry about you and me" He said looking at her lips before leading in again when she turn her head when he pulls her head and kiss her as more tears run her eyes as she try to push him away he held her as tightly kissing her deeply cause her to fall on the bed "Don't you dare resist me me Lalisa Manobal or else your dead serious" he said intimidatingly.

 He continued to kiss her deeply while tears run from her she about to get raped she said in her mind. He started removing her clothes and.....


After that jungkook left Lisa
unconscious she woke up after a few hours feeling pain everywhere she starts to cry "Don't be a cry baby lisa" she said to herself wiping her tears "It's okay I just lost dignity and pride but it's okay it'll probably scorn you forever but it's okay" she said to herself over and over tears streaming down her bruised face which jungkook punch her in after she was crying while he was raping her.

Lisa was trying to ignore the pain to try and escape she peeked outside the door to see if he was gone, he was, she left the bedroom limping due to pain in her bottom half. She went downstairs peeked through the door leading to outside seeing there was guards outside, so she went around look for a way to escape.

She went out to backyard the walls were large and long, but she managed to climb over with the awful pain in in her lower body. As soon she got over she began running but quickly realized that there were no way out. She continued looking around to find an escape out of the woods when she saw a car, she tried stopping it by hitting on it's black dark windows, then it finally stopped "Please help me am being kidnapped please let me in" she says banging on the door the person roll down the windows of the car.

She saw it was jungkook she back away and was ready to run but she was surrounded by a group of men aimed their guns at her, so she had no choice but to enter the car then recieve a slap from jungkook "That's for being stupid enough to think you can run away from me and I warned you not to!" He shouted at her angrily Lisa began hold the side which he slap as she cried silently while he looked a her not feeling even abit of pity"I warned but you disobeyed and now your gonna be punished."

As lisa cried even more "It's okay everything is gonna hurt but it's okay" she said in her thoughts wiping her tears as she started to shake.The car drives back to the Jungkook's mansion.


 "Am telling you some men knock us out and took lisa" Jennie says crying to the police while Lisa's family cry with her "Does she have any enemies or people who don't like her?"the polices asks Jennie and the family "No my sister is not that type of girl to keep enemies, so no" Taehyun says as tears run down on his face they all agree with him.

After a few hours of integration they start walking home when Lisa's grandmother starts putting her hand where her heart was she looked like she was in pain, Jennie was the first one to realize what was going on as she ran towards her "grandma are you okay?" She said rubbing her back as they all stop to check on grandma "Am fine Jennie don't worry am just abit tired and little stress about my lisa, I just hope she's in the right person's hands" grandma said to Jennie with a smile but jennie was still worried so was Taehyun and his father "Please don't worry about Lisa she's gonna fine. I know she is gonna escape that place, so don't worry grandma" Jennie said assuring her even though she herself needed assurance the kept walking until they were at house.

"Grandma you don't have to cook today okay. I'll cook is something to eat okay, so you can eat to take your medication." Jennie said heading to the kitchen to prepare some kimchee fried rice. Lisa's grandmother just sat down on her rocking chair she is wasn't stressed about Lisa but she was worried that she's gonna go though alot for the sake of  𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆.


Lisa's Pov:

After we reach his house he throw me on the floor then taking off his belt "Wait no am sorry I won't ever do it again, am sorry please to whip me with that I beg am sorry" I cried still shaking from fear backing away when two of Jungkook's guards held me taking of my shirt then flipping me on my belly and holding me down risking to get hit by Jungkook aswell. He put both of the ends of the belt together then whipped me of my back "Count as I whip you that's one" he said strictly as I cried due to the pain.

After about 4 or 5 hours Jungkook stopped whipping me after the 105 whipped across my back that was burning from the bruises and cuts on my back that was bleeding then let me go and I couldn't move Jungkook then took me up my back hurted even more he brought me to the bedroom "Please no I've learnt my lesson" I begged I could take anymore and my tears were no more my tear glands were finish.

"I won't just let me clean them up" he said putting me on my belly on the bed grabbing a med kit "no please it's okay please let the made do it please" I asked in pain "Fine but I just want to do what you did for me in the cafe remember. Isn't that okay?" He asked acting so innocent and kind like he didn't beat the life out me a few minutes go and just making me reslizing how I regret not listening to Jennie when she said I should I gone back, soI didn't answer just stayed silent "Either you speak or I land more whips across your back" he said seriously like some killer which he probably is.

 I answer "Yes I remember" I said "Good, so let me redo the favour" he said happily, I didn't bother denying cause the pain was alot to bare and he harder to bare when he was cleaning it then putting on the bandages.

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