nayeon › love ain't a science

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A/N: I need to do more TWICE imagines... someone pls give me ideasssss T_T so far I've only written Nayeon and Jihyo ones bc I bias them haha


You laughed hysterically as your friend, Sihyeon, told you a lame joke. Any normal person probably wouldn't have laughed, but you laughed easily, so... yeah.

"Jesus fuck, it wasn't that funny." Sihyeon eyed you, making a weird face as she watched you fall out of your seat at the empty lunch table.

You slapped your knee and wiped a tear from your eye.

You were startled by a hand on your shoulder. You looked over your shoulder and tilted your head up, only to flush red at the sight of the student looming over your shoulder.

"N-Nayeon?" You stuttered meekly. You messed with the sleeves of your sweater and looked down as you bit your lip. You could practically feel the look of shock Sihyeon was most definitely giving you due to your quick change in act.

"I came by because I had a question." Nayeon said casually. Her hand lingered on your shoulder as she spoke. You felt as if you were about to pass out.

When you saw a smirk play on her lips, you thought, Maybe she knows.

"My place or yours?" She asked, pulling you away from your thoughts.

You stumbled over your words until you finally came out with a clear answer. "My- M-My place is fine." You answered with a head bow.

You felt her retract her hand, and you subconsciously found yourself upset at the loss of warmth on your shoulder, but you brushed it off.

But to your surprise, her hand came up again, this time resting on your head and giving your hair an affectionate ruffle.

"Great," She said. "Text me your address and I'll come over after school. Cool?" She asked. You simply nodded, too nervous and busy fidgeting with your fingers to give a verbal response.

She smiled down at you, not that you saw it anyway, and then removed her hand from your head. With that, she turned on her heel and walked away, back to her table and surrounded by all of her friends.

"Uhm, missy," Sihyeon spoke up after a drawn out silence as the two of you stared at each other. "You better explain why the hell the most popular girl in school is gonna be showing up at your house after school, and it better be holy."


You sighed out of boredom as you blew a strand of hair out of your face. You groaned and carelessly dropped your head down onto your books, while your physics teacher droned on and on about the unit your class was learning.

"Miss Y/N. Is there something you have to share with the class?" Your teacher asked blandly.

You rolled your eyes to yourself while your head was still down, before lifting it. Instantly, you felt all of the eyes on you, making you shrink back in your seat.

"N-No, Mrs. Ko," You smiled nervously. "I'm just... super excited for this project!" You fake-cheered.

Your teacher hummed in response. "So then you wouldn't mind being the first one to be assigned a partner?"

You gulped. "No, ma'am." You lied. You crossed your fingers behind your back, praying and wishing that the result comes out good.

"Good. You'll be with... Im Nayeon."

It was nearing five p.m. and Nayeon was going to arrive any minute. You stared intently at the analog clock hanging on the living room wall.

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