lily › symphony (requested)

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"Hello, my love!"

As soon as you entered the apartment, Lily was immediately by your side and hugging you tightly from behind with a big smile on her face. You grinned and placed your hands over hers, and turned your head to peck her lips.

"Hey, baby." You replied. You turned around in her arms and cupped her face.

After a few moments of the two of you sharing a few kisses and meaningless giggles, Lily kissed your forehead and then pulled away from you. She grabbed your hand and led you to the living room, where she made you sit down on the couch, while she sat down on the barstool that was placed in the center of the room.

You were a little confused, but you still carried on smiling, because she was as well, and it was rather contagious.

She picked up the microphone that you hadn't noticed was on the floor next to the stool, and spoke.

"It's time." She said.

Before you could question her words, you turned to your right when you saw Sullyoon and Jiwoo emerge from the hallway and enter the room with big smiles on their faces.

Okay, they must have planned something.

And you instantly knew what they were doing when Lily brought the microphone up and Sullyoon began to play the piano.

"I've been hearing symphonies, before all I heard was silence."

As soon as Lily started singing, tears brimmed your eyes. She was singing the song that she sang to you on your very first date. You remember how she went all out on that day, and you loved every second of it. Just like how you love every second more that you've spent with her until now, and all of the seconds that you love spending with her in the future.

"Was solo, singing on my own. Now I can't find the key without you."

The tears fell before you could even stop them. You raised your hand to cover some of your face as you cried quietly while listening to the love of your life sing to you. You also admired how well Sullyoon played the piano and Jiwoo the violin.

"Symphony," Lily stood from her seat and walked over to you, holding her hand out for you to take, which you did. "Like a love song on the radio. Will you hold me tight and not let go?" As she sang that last line, she held you closely by the waist and stared into your eyes. You smiled through the tears and rested your head on her chest.

Throughout the rest of the song, Sullyoon and Jiwoo played their instruments and Lily sang beautifully, and as she did, the two of you gently swayed side to side to the melody, completely lost in each other.

"Will you hold me tight and not let go?"

She sang the last line of the song and then rested her forehead against yours with a soft smile playing on her lips. Sullyoon and Jiwoo continued to play a quiet melody in the background, but the entirety of your focus was on Lily.

When she lowered her microphone to snake her arms around your waist, you were quick to cup her cheeks and press your lips against hers. The kiss was languid and sensual, and you both smiled into it at one point. It went on for quite a few moments, until she pulled away.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." You mumbled against her lips.

She chuckled and pecked your lips. "I love you too, beautiful. And I want to be a part of your symphony for the rest of our lives, and I hope you want to do the same." She said.

You smiled. "Of course I d-"

You paused to clasp a hand over your mouth when she slowly sunk down to the floor on one knee. The soft smile never left her face, even though you saw the tears in her eyes and the way her bottom lip trembled as she revealed a diamond ring that she was keeping in her pocket.

She held out her hand and asked for yours, which you placed in hers with wide eyes. She pressed a lingering kiss to the back of your hand.

"My baby," She mumbled. She looked back up at you, smiling. "You know I love you. To the moon and back. And I... I know that we're still young, and we have a lot going on right now, but... I-I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and the only future I see for myself is one with you in it, my love."

Tears streamed down both of your faces, and you squeezed her hand.

She continued. "I can't imagine what I would do or be like if I hadn't met you five years ago. I'd probably be a mess, huh?" The both of you giggled. "And that's why I'm so grateful to have you in my life. I got lucky enough to be able to say that I'm yours and you're mine. We are one heart beating in two bodies. You love me like nobody else can, and vice versa. We've loved each other through our darkest moments, and through our brightest. And I really hope that I can forever continue to make memories with you, which is why I have a question for you." She stroked the back of your hand with her thumb.

Your bottom lip trembled, and more tears rolled down your cheeks.

"L/N Y/N, will you marry me?"

She popped the big question. She did it.

Without a drop of hesitation, you nodded your head rapidly, to which she let out a relieved breath and slid the ring onto your finger.

You instantly fell to your knees and threw your arms around her neck, hugging her tightly as you cried loudly. She wrapped her arms around your waist and rubbed your back soothingly.

"I love you so much, love." She whispered in your ear.

You smiled through the tears. "I love you too. So, so much."


A/N: Lily is so gorgeous UGH <3

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