bodyguard › REI ver.

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TRIGGER WARNING:[ gun use & kidnapping ]

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[ gun use & kidnapping ]


"Dad! Have you seen my other shoe?" You asked your father as you hurried towards him. He seemed to be on his way to his office.

He turned to look at you as you came to stop in front of him. "It's under your desk, I think. I have to go, but have a good day, okay? Rei is waiting for you downstairs. Love you." With that, he patted your head and pulled you closer to kiss your forehead, before going on his way.

You felt giddy at the mention of Rei. She's your bodyguard, and she's always waiting for you downstairs to take you to school (you're both the same age, and you're in your freshman year of college). You're the daughter of the President, so it's only natural to have security around you, and you don't mind it (specifically because it's Rei).

You went to retrieve your missing shoe, and once you slipped it on, you quickly grabbed your backpack and ran out of your room, quickly hurrying downstairs to meet up with Rei.

As soon as you saw her, you grinned and hugged her. She cracked a small, barely noticeable smile and hugged you back, patting your back as she did so. You tucked your head under her chin (since she's taller than you) and basked in her warmth for a few seconds until you pulled away.

"Good morning, Y/N," she greeted, bowing her head to you.

You did the same. "Morning, Rei~" After that exchange, the two of you made your way out of your home, aka the Yongsan Presidential Office, and to the van you take to school.

The ride was quiet, like usual, but as soon as you arrived at the school building, you were talking up a storm to Rei.

"And so I told her-" you were cut off when a boy walked up to you, his cheeks coated with a bright pink hue. You've never seen him before. He was tightly clutching a neat envelope, and he was clearly nervous, as his gaze never met yours. You looked at him with a puzzled look, and when you tore your eyes away from him to glance at Rei, you saw that she was just as confused, and already looking ready to step in, judging by her stance and narrow, calculating eyes.

"Uh, hi," you greeted the boy politely, wearing a friendly smile.

The boy finally looked into your eyes shyly. "H-Hi. My name is- is Jimin. Park Jimin. May I please talk to you in private, Y/N? Pretty- Pretty please?" He asked cutely. His eyes were wide with hope, and you really couldn't say no, regardless of the fact that both you and Rei know what he wants, judging by his hopefulness and the letter in his hands.

You looked at Rei with a soft, almost sad smile. "I'll be right back, Rei. Don't worry about me," you told her.

She frowned. "I don't want you to go alo-"

"I'll be fine, I promise."

With that, you walked off and followed Jimin to an empty classroom, taking one last glance at Rei as you did.

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