yves › chandelier

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A/N: I just had this random thought and wanted to write it down TT Also, be ready for the other versions of the Hickey Prank imagines, they're coming!


The screams of the attendees echoed throughout the room. You lifted your head, but quickly let it drop when you felt a sharp pain shoot up your spine. A pained moan left your lips as you moved your arm, your eyes darting around frantically. You could see the ceiling above you, and the people running around you, and you could clearly hear the distress in the room. You felt warm, but not in a good way.

What happened?


"Babe," You whined, turning to face Yves, who was sitting boredly on the foot of your bed. "Which one looks better-the pink one, or the orange one?" You asked her.

She rolled her eyes and pouted. "Baby, you've been making me help you decide on your outfit for the last twenty minutes! I still have to go get ready too, remember?" She complained.

Your bottom lip jutted out. "Fine," You dragged out the word. "You can go, I guess."

Yves chuckled. "You guess?" And with that, she stood from the bed, approached you, kissed your lips, and then walked out of the room.

Almost twenty more minutes had passed when you exited your room. You felt like bundles of nerves were exploding throughout your body. There was knot in the pit of your stomach. You couldn't help but feel nervous, as you would be showing Yves the dress you would be wearing tonight. You don't know how to feel about how it looks on you, so you want her opinion.

You heard the click of a doorknob, followed by the creak of it being pushed open, and out walked Yves. She was wearing a white mid-thigh-length dress with puffy off-the-shoulder sleeves, and it paired nicely with her shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair. Her neck was adorned by a thin gold necklace, and her ears were pierced by matching earrings. She wore a charming smile on her cherry red lips, as she stood in front of you, eyeing you from top to bottom.

 She wore a charming smile on her cherry red lips, as she stood in front of you, eyeing you from top to bottom

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You were clad in a similar dress, except yours was a scarlett red. Around your neck was a shiny silver necklace, and a matching pair of earrings pierced your earlobes.

 Around your neck was a shiny silver necklace, and a matching pair of earrings pierced your earlobes

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You bit your bottom lip. "How does it look?" You asked, gesturing to your attire.

She kept her smile and reached out to hold your hands. "You look beautiful, babe."

"And so do you, my love."


You smiled politely and bowed your head to the man as he turned around and walked away from you.

One might wonder where you are. Well, Yves had been invited to a fancy dinner party at a rented ballroom by the business partner of the company she works at, in celebration of their two companies signing a deal, and she was allowed to bring a plus one-you. So here you were, standing pretty while Yves talked to countless people, one after another, about business.

Your bottom lip jutted out as you stared down at the flute of wine held tightly in the grip of your fingers. When it was suddenly pulled out of your grasp, you looked up to see Yves setting down both of your glasses on a nearby table, and then she grabbed your hands in hers. She dragged you to the middle of the floor with a wide grin on her face, as slow music played in the room.

She outstretched her hand. "May I have this dance?" She asked quietly.

You giggled and took her hand as you nodded. With no further words being shared between the two of you, she pulled you close and rested one hand on your hip, and the other held one of your hands. You placed a hand on her shoulder, while the other was held tightly in one of hers, and the two of you gently swayed to the music, closing your eyes and letting the sounds flow through you and around you.

You were so caught up in the moment that you almost didn't hear the snap. But you did. And so did a majority of the other partygoers.

Your head immediately snapped up, only for you to come to the realization that you and Yves were standing directly under the chandelier. The chandelier that just broke free from the ceiling and was now falling towards you and the people around you.

With mere seconds to get away, you instantly pushed Yves in front of you and urged her to run. She did. And you did too. You just happened to be a little slower, opting on pushing Yves out of the way as hard as you could.

And then there was a loud crash. Glass hitting the hard, polished surface of the floor, exploding into tiny shards that scattered across the room along with the deafening sound.

The screams of the attendees echoed throughout the room. You lifted your head, but quickly let it drop when you felt a sharp pain shoot up your spine. A pained moan left your lips as you moved your arm, your eyes darting around frantically. You could see the ceiling above you, and the people running around you, and you could clearly hear the distress in the room. You felt warm, but not in a good way.

You tried to move your legs, but you realized that you couldn't even feel them. Your eyes widened in panic. Your chest began to heave up and down, but thankfully, Yves, who you were hoping remained unscathed, was by your side in a matter of seconds, stroking your hair as tears streamed down both of your faces.

You nearly choked on your tears as you cried out due to the excruciating pain you were experiencing. She looked down at you, concern and fear in her eyes. Her eyes then trailed down to your leg, which is when you noticed that they widened in shock.

"Wha- What?! Is it bad- Yves! Yves, is it bad?!" You yelled, albeit weakly.

She looked back at you and bit her lip, before grabbing ahold of your hand, nodding solemnly, and then pressing her forehead against your interlocked fingers.


QOTD: Do you prefer dresses/skirts, or pants? Or both?
AOTD: I prefer pants all the way 👖

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