juria › red string (requested)

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A/N: Sorry that this took so long to come out !!! This is an imagine that was requested from the very first XG imagine I posted (JURIN - Field Trip) !

Also, if one of you reading this has attended/is attending a school in Japan, can you comment if this is accurate or not, or if there is something I should change ? I just kinda ... went with the flow ]:


You panted lightly as you sped down the empty hallway of your new school. You're new to Japan, and you came all the way from the United States. The day prior, you had luckily been shown around the building to get familiar with it, so you already know where your classes are without needing someone to escort you.

Your day, however, started off on the shit end of the stick.

Firstly, your alarm went off twenty minutes later than it should have, for some odd reason. After that, you went downstairs only to find that you were out of milk, therefore you can't eat cereal for breakfast-not that you would be able to anyway, since you only had a few minutes to get to the bus stop. On top of all of that, you forgot to charge your laptop, which led to you getting frustrated and slamming a glass down. In turn, by the time you were done cleaning it up and bandaging your finger (which you pricked on a shard of glass-cliché, right?), your bus had already come and gone.

After punching a pillow to release your anger, you kicked off your loafers, picked them up, and then replaced them with a pair of comfortable sneakers. With that, you grabbed your school bag in your other hand and left the house, taking off down the road to your school, a dreaded sigh escaping you.

So here you are, running down the hallway, after stopping by your locker to gather only the things you need, and to change out of your sneakers and back into your school shoes.

You came to a halt in front of a classroom door, soundlessly swearing under your breath due to the fact that you're a few minutes late.

With a nervous gulp, you knocked on the door. Seconds later, it slid open to reveal a young woman looking at you with a warm smile.

"How may I help you?" She asked.

You bowed ninety degrees. "Good morning, ma'am. I'm the new transfer student, L/N Y/N!" You greeted her with a charming smile.

She nodded and let you into the classroom. She led you to the front and chuckled as she addressed the students. "As you can see, the new student was a little late." She joked. She then nodded towards you, gesturing for you to introduce yourself.

You bowed again and grinned. "Good morning, everyone, my name is L/N Y/N and I-"

You stopped mid-sentence when you locked eyes with a student. A stunning girl with reddish-brown hair tied up into two pigtails, and a soft smile directed at you. You didn't miss the way that her friendly expression slowly faded into one of awe and shock, mirroring yours. Everything felt like it was bow moving in slow motion as you watched her suddenly grin again and wink at you before pointing down. You looked down and saw a translucent red string with a faint shimmer tied around your pinky finger, leading all the way to her own. She grinned happily, causing you to mirror her actions.

You were brought out of your thoughts when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked to your right and saw your teacher looking down at you with a concerned look on her face.

"Is everything alright, L/N-san?" She questioned.

Oh, yeah. That's right. You and that girl are the only ones who can see your red string.

You nodded with a small smile and then looked back towards the students. "S-Sorry about that. I'm L/N Y/N and I really look forward to this school year, please take care of me!"

You bowed and then walked over to the only seat available. The one right beside your soulmate.


It was now lunch break, and you were spending it on the roof. There was nobody around you to bother you. It's you and yourself.

You honestly didn't want to face anybody after what happened in your first block. As soon as the bell had rung, you bolted out of your seat at lightning speed after grabbing your bag, but ended up nearly face planting after tripping over a desk leg. Right in front of your soulmate. Way to make a lasting impression. To say the least, you're embarrassed. A part of you wants to go home and pack your bags and then move back to the States.

You were taken out of your thoughts for the second time that day when you heard the door open and close. You didn't bother to turn around. You knew who it was; you felt the tug on your red string. You just continued to eat your lunch as you stared out at the sky, waiting for her to take a seat beside you.

And moments later, she did. She said nothing at first, she just gazed up at the sky as you were. But then, after a minute or two passed, she turned to you and smiled. Timidly, you turned your head as well.

She laughed, but there was no sound, which confused you.

But she took you by surprise when she reached out to sensually tuck a lock of your hair behind your ear. Her hand then slowly moved to your neck as she admired you. You were frozen in your spot, blushing madly as you held eye contact with her.

When her hand dropped back into her lap, you found yourself missing the warmth that her touch provided you in the cold breeze.

She pulled out a small notepad and began to write, which, again, confused you.

When she held it up to you, your eyes widened at what she wrote.

"I know we just met, but would you like to go on a date with me?"


QOTD: What's your MBTI? (stream Loveticon by CSR)
AOTD: last time I checked, I was an INTP-T! (May 2023 update from future me, I'm now an ISFP-T!)

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