jurin › field trip

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A/N: General requests are still closed for now, but I'll take requests for XG members if you have any !

⬆️ CLOSED ⬆️

I've been busy with other stuff (including a book~ [;), so I'm sorry for the lack of updates TT


You yawned and stretched as you sat up from your bed. You hopped up as soon as you remembered what today was.

"School field trip, here I come!" You squealed to yourself.

You were excited for two reasons. The first one being that, even though you do this every day, you get to spend a whole day doing fun activities and goofing off with your best friend, Ko Giyun, a fellow junior in your high school. The second one was only a tad bit more exciting to you (sorry Giyun). Besides getting to spend the whole day with Giyun, you get to spend a whole day with Asaya Jurin. Okay, maybe you won't actually be spending the day with her, seeing as you're way too shy to even approach the older, but you can at least admire her from afar.

For anyone who is unaware of who Asaya Jurin is, Jurin is a student who attends a high school not too far from yours. She's the school's cliché bad girl, but with a twist: she's also the student body president. One might be wondering how that happened. Well, you hope no one asks you, because you don't know either, and you honestly couldn't care less. Back to Jurin (the proclaimed love of your life), she was everything you could want in a partner; handsome, kind(ish-"she can be nice sometimes!" You liked to claim whenever Giyun questions that quality), strong (you may or may not have a thing for muscles, which Jurin happens to have), bold, fearless, and she has a sleeve of tattoos. Plus, she can sing, rap, and dance. In your eyes, Jurin's good qualities and attractiveness knows no limit. The older shows up to her school dressed in a leather jacket, tight, ripped jeans, black bucket hats, wallet chains, silver rings decorating her fingers, and black combat boots. And you often complain to your best friend about the heartbreaking fact that you and Jurin don't attend the same school, and you're only able to see her when the two school's have joint events and trips.

To put it simply, you have a massive crush on Jurin, the bad girl president.

Back to you getting ready, after taking a long, warm, and relaxing shower, you dressed yourself in an oversized yellow sweater, denim overalls, and red converse. You put on light makeup and grinned at your reflection in the mirror, muttering to yourself about how cute you looked. After that, you hopped out of your room to continue preparing for the day ahead of you.


You were not having fun.

You had the whole bus ride planned out in advance. You would sit next to Giyun and Sakura, a senior and your friend, and spend the entire trip either listening to music, talking to them and only them, or playing games on your phone.

You definitely did not enjoy the seating arrangement at the moment. Okay, maybe you liked it a little bit, but you didn't like the fact that it was causing you great amounts of anxiety. Sitting next to the person you're sitting next to makes your heart flutter, but your heart fluttering in turn makes you feel anxious, which then makes you sweat profusely. You thank the beings above and below that you were just barely managing to externally keep your cool at the moment, but that most definitely didn't mean your nerves weren't through the roof, because they were.

"Yah," A voice called out from the seat next to you.

Oh, yeah, did you mention that you got stuck in the window seat? Well, you did.

"Why are you so nervous?" The voice asked.

You froze up in your seat, sucking in a sharp breath as you eventually-albeit slowly-turned to face the student.

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