Fox Akaza

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•Lime (not smut but a little sus)
•Short Chapter
•I don't know what else to put


Akaza gets hit by a blood demon art and suddenly turned into a fox, but when Douma sees him something happened.

Akaza was just trying to mind his own business by walking to a forest trying to find some meals since he was hungry,then he spotted humans but to his luck it was womens.He groaned in frustration and just tried to run back to the infinity castle, when suddenly he got hit by something that made him pass out


A Biwa was played and that made Akaza wake up, when he stood up he felt someone ran up to him and turned just to see his most hated upper moon


"Akaza-dono!- woah what happened to you?" Douma looked over to Akaza observing him, he was confused why did Akaza looked like that? Then his eyes came across the tail and ears

"Akaza-dono can I touch them pleaseee" Douma begged with his puppy eyes

"Douma you're not cute and no you cannot touch them, now go away!" Douma didn't listen and chased Akaza

They then came across upper moon one. Akaza hid behind his back, upper moon 1 looked at both his co-workers confused by the situation

"KOKUSHIBO TELL THIS BADTARD TO STOP TOUCHING MY EARS AND TAIL-" he then fell backwards as KOKUSHIBO walked away not wanting to get involved with the situation

"KOKUSHIBO I WILL KILL YOU, YOU MOTHER FUCKER- ngh~.. " he slapped his hand on his mouth, he then looked back and saw Douma's stunned face,

"Akaza-dono did you just moan?!" Douma looked at him at disbelief and then smirked

"bastard! Get away from me! I know what ur planning!" He kicked Douma off of him

"come on I wanna feel them again!" Douma whined as he tried to reach for Akaza's ears but failed miserably

"Im going to my room AND DON'T YOU DARE BOTHER ME!" He had irk marks on his face as he walked away too annoyed by Douma bothering him,
He sighed as he plopped on his bed and tried to sleep

Then someone knocked

'DIDN'T I TELL DOUMA NOT TO BOTHER ME?!' Akaza stood up and groaned in frustration

"what do you want Dou- oh hi Kokushibo..." Akaza felt awkward then Kokushibo handed him a potion?

"Huh?" Akaza looked at Kokushibo in confusion

"muzan-sama told me to give this to you....he told me it cures you're condition right now..."

"Oh.. Okay then thanks now bye" Akaza closed the door and then dranked the potion

'It didn't worked..' Akaza sighed and walked out of his room, great now his tiredness was gone! He bumped into Douma. Again.

"Hey Akaza-dono! You're back!"

"Tsk.." He groaned as he walked past Douma

"wait-" Douma accidentally grabbed Akaza's tail,which earned him a Yelp

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING DOUMA?!" Akaza screamed at Douma with a red face

"Hehe..." Douma just scratched his head ignoring the fact that he was getting scolded by his favorite upper moon

"this is fine" Douma mumbled


"Nothing!" Douma giggled at the behavior of his co-worker

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