i just hope its not a dream..

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Akaza pov
I was watching kny with my friend molly.She was such a simp for Kyojuro but heh "I CANT WAIT FOR DOUMA TO BE ANIMATED!!" said molly,i just sighed but i must admit. Douma is Hot. "Molly im going home now!" She waved goodbye and i walked home.It was midnight and i was the only one walking on the streets.It kinda creeped me out but i was fine

But suddenly...

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I screamed as i fell into some kind of portal "ouch!" I groaned as i stood up and looked around "where am i?!" I said.I gulped and started to walk then i realized something,i quickly looked at my pocket and saw that my phone was still there.I sighed in relief and opened my phone "wait..WHY IS THERE NO WIFI?!" I panicked and clicked my gallery only to show many pics of douma.Lol im a simp🤪😍 now back to the story

I walked and walked until i came across a door right in the middle of the forest.I looked at the back of the door,and there was no house?! This place is creeping me out! But i Guess ill just go in

I opened the door and got teleported to a fortress? Wait this place is familiar....HOLY SHIT AM I IN DEMON SLAYER?! OMG.I widened my eyes and turned to look back and saw that the door was gone! "SHIT!" I shouted while gripping my hair and i calmed down "hey hey atleast i know how to fight..."  i sighed and started to look around then i heard voices

The voice seemed familiar

OMG IT WAS DAKI'S VOICE! Wha-. I got cut off as a door opened underneath me and i fell right into it
"Dawg that hurt.." i said as i scratched my head "who are you?" Said a voice,i didn't even bother to answer and just looked if my phone was still okay

I yelped as i felt my hair get dragged,i got turned to the person who asked the question earlier and it was....MUZAN?! AM I GONNA DIE?!  NO NO NO NO "i said...  WHO ARE YOU?" Muzan said once more and i replied  "uh.....im akaza?" He let go of my hair and i went to the corner and sat

I opened my phone and tried to open my data but there was no signal.Then i felt the urge to look at my gallery to watch some videos since i was sooo bored.But my phone got taken away by daki... "woah! Whats this?" She said as she started to click on some apps and suddenly clicked exit video.She video widened her eyes and said "douma! Look! This guy knows you!" I stood up and said "can you give it back? Thats mine!" I reached for my phone but she put it behind her back and laughed "what is it daki?~" i shivered as i felt someone behind me.I turned and saw douma

"Can you tell her to give me my phone back?" Douma looked at me confused and i pointed on what daki was holding but he didn't cared and went over to daki to experiment on my phone

Then they saw the douma pictures....

Douma turned to look at me and said "how do you know me?" I gulped "i- uh- uhm im actually not from here i just got teleported and i have pictures of you b-because you are actually in a show....anime actually!" He seemed shocked at my answer and said "well! Now you are here!  How about you stay here and ill turn you into a demon and you'll be my lover!but whats ur name?" I just looked at him and thought is he serious? But...i mean i do have a crush on him and living with him sounds like a dream so i nodded and said "im akaza..." he grinned and dragged me to his room

He closed the door and sliced off his arm.I gagged and then he gaved it to me "drink my blood and you'll turn into a demon!" I nodded and drank his blood.I then started to shake,i groaned as i finished transforming (he still looks like his demon form at the Original Kny design) "you look handsome!" I slightly blushed at his words and thanked him

Time skip
I have been here for 10 years and i wish it will never and because this was the best...

I just hope its not a dream..

768 words

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