Wait For Me, Akaza

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Years ago when he was younger,he kinda liked.A person he knew,He was bestfriends with him and they were sweethearts. But then again, that person disappeared


His smile faded upon seeing the pink haired demon go away, he enjoyed the other's company but he was upset Akaza had to go

"Promise me you'll come back!"

Douma ran to his balcony, teaching the end of it.But it seems the demon didn't hear him and continued to his destination.He was sure Akaza would come back


"I wonder where Akaza is...its already been 10 years!"

He pouted,sitting on his bed while thinking about the male who never showed up after that day.Everyday... He waited and waited but he didn't come, he wondered if the other got bored with him and left but he can't blame Akaza

He was just a useless human,listening to people's sob stories every single day.He wanted to meet with the demon again

Sometimes he even wanted to become one, but eating humans were not for him.He and Akaza built a relationship as friends 10 years ago, but just like he mentioned earlier.Akaza disappeared without a trace, leaving him completely alone

Douma sighed and started daydreaming out of nowhere.He remembered Akaza's appearance, very

Short pink hair,yellow eyes that shimmered in the dark, a sleeveless magenta haori, white fundoshi pants, turquoise belt, pale skin with blue stripes that look liked a criminal's, fierce and stubborn attitude, his eyes had glass looking cracks.Douma thought it was lovely and unique, he couldn't forget that warm, gentle smile Akaza gave him before he left

It was fascinating and had him develop feelings for the human eating male.He looked at his window and saw stars glowing at the beautiful night sky, the moon lit up,making it better to see.

But then suddenly, he felt wind rush in.Sensing another person in the room, causing him to swiftly turn around.And now he got a better view

The person was rather intimidating,Douma couldn't even think about anything.He was interested and amazed at the same time on how this person entered his room without any sound and just wind

The ravenette stepped forward towards the blond, looking at him with a glare that looked like he was examining Douma

"Do I know y- Ow!"

His hair was yanked, forcing him to get on his knees, then suddenly.Blood started pouring, he remembered Akaza mentioned about his master and his appearance

Douma's eyes lit up in hope, opening his mouth so he could drink the blood and become a demon, he could have a chance to see his Akaza again!

Muzan looked at him with utter shock,shocked that Douma actually accepted it.The blood stopped and Douma began flinching,he groaned in pain.His head falling to the ground but his lower body stayed in the sitting position, his hair was drenched in blood but alll he cared about now was the Unbereable pain he was receiving

Muzan left the place, leaving Douma flinching from the pain, it quickly disappeared.He stood up and went over to his mirror, feeling new

It seemed like he just changed into a completely different person.He took his time to study himself, he had fangs now but his human appearance stayed the same.It was an advantage for a demon like him

He felt hungry, groaning in annoyance.He decided to go inside the forest just where Akaza disappeared since it was where demons were hiding most of the time.While searching for his first meal, he spotted a hut that had it's lights open

He smelled a human and decided to go inside, barging in without hesitation, causing the door to break.There was a female sitting down, fear spread fast in her face upon seeing the cannibal

Douma giggled at her expression, clearly.This was very fun for him, who would've thought being a human eating person could be this fun?

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