Midnight Cravings part 2

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Third Person POV

The pinkette locked eyes at the person who was blocking him from getting out the soft bed that they were in. Silence lingered around the whole room as they stared at each other's face. One had happiness and one had anger. Obviously you guys already know which ones belong to who



"Stop making this harder for both ud akaza-dono!~"

Akaza attempted to push the male but he felt the familiar vines wrap around both of his wrists and were now placed above his head. The rainbow eyed male grinned rather largely than it was before. It was clear that he had been waiting for this his whole life and he was happy he finally had the chance

"Now now...what should i do to you?~"

The blond whispered just infront of the olders male right ear. Akaza gritted his teeth and tried to knee the leg of the male ontop of him but failed as it was stopped by a hand

Douma placed his hand on akaza's knee just as he was about to knee his leg. He opened it wide and called his blood demon art again, the vines held akaza's leg hardly so it was widely opened. The older male tried to close his thights but couldnt since the vines were too strong

He was raging mad but deep down he knew he also wanted this. His thoughts were interrupted as he felt  rather soft lips touch his. He closed his eyes shut and kissed back as he had no choice

Douma was happy he gave in before he closed his eyes


After a good 4 minutes they finally pulled away. The dominant male was slightly panting while the other was panting heavily, before he even got the chance to properly breath his haori was pulled off him. He felt embarassed as his torso was being looked at with the hungry eyes that belonged to the other uppermoon

Douma leaned in and started to leave hickeys all around akaza's collarbone. Akaza moaned quietly and was starting to give in slightly. Akaza felt his cock teitvh as it was now fully hard, he felt Douma smirk on his collarbone. The blond male was glad he could make the pinkette hard

He kept on sucking until he moved down to the striped male's unusally big chest, his chest was almost like a girl's. He started to suck on the soft bud and tugged on the other one

Akaza bit his bottom lip to keep the sweet sounds that were betraying him coming from out of his mouth. Douma started to suck even harder and Akaza couldnt hold it anymore and let out a chocked moan

"S-stop teasing me!"

Douma pulled away and looked at the sight under him, he awed and started to pull the teal rope from Akaza's pants and pulled down the pinkette's pants along with his underwear. He did the same treatment to himself and now they were both naked. Akaza loomed down to see Douma's cock bulging and had pre-cum leaking out of it

Akaza turned crimson read and turned away but suddenly he screamed as he felt two cold fingers inside him


Douma didnt stop right there and started to finger the short male in a fast pace. Akaza moaned uncontrollably and felt a coil starting to form in his abdomen. He knew he was close and warned Douma but he regretted that because Douma stopped his fingers from entering Akaza and then pulled out

"W-wait! Its a joke please dont leave me like this!"

Douma giggled at the adorable sight happening infront of him. Seing the feisty,stubborn uppermoon 3 begging was probably one of the rarest things he would ever do

"Hm...if you want to keep going...then beg for it"

Akaza muttered a swear word and turned back to Douma again before begging

"D-douma please fuck me! I-i'll do anyth- AH!~"

Akaza let out a scream-ish moan as Douma slammed into him with no hesitation

"Good boy~"

Douma didnt even waited for Akaza to adjust and already started to rock his hips back and forth,Douma was curious why Akaza wasnt feeling any pain since he didnt let him adjust. Then it all clicked

"I never knew you were a masochist akaza-dono~"

Despite how stubborn Akaza acts around his superiors, this was one of the greatest ways to punish him


After awhile,Douma looked at the down at the sight. It caused his cock to twitch harder inside the red velvet walls that were clenching around his cock

Akaza had his eyes rolled backwards,his back arched,his tounge outside his mouth,saliva dripping from his mouth all the way to his chin and sweet sounds coming from out of his mouth

Douma started to look for Akaza's prostate until he heard the short haired male scream. He immediately knew he had found it and started to abuse that spot


Akaza's lower body was overstimulated,he had already cum  so many times but Douma still hasnt. Even though it started to hurt he didnt regret any of this action. Akaza arched his back as he started to feel the same knot appear in his stomach again, and he knew that his orgasm was coming and warned douma

"D-doum- ah!~ i-im c-cum AH~"

"M-me too..."

After a few more thrusts They both came at the same time, cum oozing out of Akaza's tip, he shivered as he felt the younger male's cum inside him

Douma pulled out and started to pant, Akaza on the other hand,already passed out due to the action they had did at midnight

Douma hugged His lover and drifted off to sleep. He didnt care if they were sleeping with no clothes on. He was glad he actually had the chance to do something he had been waiting for so long to his crush,that is now his lover. He muttered 'i love you' but did not hear any reply,but he was fine with it

As long he was with his akaza

1063 words

I dont write smut often,so im sorry if its bad;( i was also rushing this so im sorry if there is any myspelling,since my phone is at 5% and its not charging

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