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>Akaza is a new student,he isnt popular at all
>Douma is the main leader of the popular group
>Douma,Daki,and Enmu are the popular people

Third Person POV

The short haired male rushed to get to his class as he was now 20minutes late.He just gotten to the school and was lost,he eventually reached the door and saw a teacher standing infront the door.It was their substitute

Himejima Gyomei

"Sir Gyomei!" Akaza

The tall male turned to look at the direction where he heard his name being called.He saw his new student Akaza running towards him

"You're late,but we'll let that slide" Gyomei

Akaza apologised rapidly for being late and the teacher said it was fine.They entered the loud classroom and it was now quiet

"Class,we have a new student joining us" Gyomei

Whispers started to appear,as they wondered who the student is,are they a boy or a girl? Are they handsome/gorgeous? Are they poor/rich? Are they popular or not?

"Class! *silence* Akaza please come in" Gyomei

The door opened to reveal a short boy coming in.All eyes turned to him,the honey eyed male didnt like the attention at all.He never did

"H-hi everybody,im Akaza Soyama..." Akaza

The class started laughing at the shy expression they were getting.Himejima had to shut them as Akaza was getting embarrased

"Hey! What are you? a cotton candy?" Daki

The class laughed again and Gyomei rubbed his temples.After a few seconds the laughing stopped,the black haired male told the pinkette he could sit beside somebody named Douma.Douma raised his hand and Akaza walked to the sit and the black haired male turned around to face the board,as the pale man was about to get to his chair somebody tripped him and he fell with a loud thud

He looked up and saw a blond male grinning at him,trying not to laugh.Akaza gritted his teeth and lowered his head,he already became a laughing stock at his first day,he didn't want to be here anymore...


Lunch came and all the students gathered to go to the cafeteria.Akaza fixed his things and was about to go out the door when a hand stopped him

"What do you want?" Akaza

"Do you not know who we are?" Daki

"" Akaza

"You should" Enmu

They pushed him aside which caused him to fall.He gritted his teeth,but he became positive and decided he was gonna be confident.Once the pinkette entered the cafeteria,he immediately went to go grab his food and sit down,he was holding his tray and spotted an empty table so he decided to go there

Just as he was about to sit somebody sat first.It was another group of friends,he sighed and was about to leave when he got called to sit with them.He hesitated but thought 'it wouldnt hurt if i made some friends..'

So he sat down with them.All eyes turned to him,a green-pink haired girl greeted him and introduced herself

"Hello!you must be Akaza! Im mitsuri^^" Mitsuri

"Hello-..." Akaza

Akaza closed his mouth as he saw a black haired male with a haircut that stopped in his shoulders,a black mask and mismatched eyes

"Oh! This is iguro-kun! And this is shinobu-san and sanemi-san and bla bla bla bla bla" Mitsuri

Mitsuri introduced everybody.And Akaza was happy he made good friends,but the ones that were kind of weird were Obanai and Sanemi.Sanemi kept saying insults to the Giyuu person,and Obanai- he kept glaring at him while the short male was talking to Mitsuri,he thought Obanai loved Mitsuri,and he was right

As everyone was talking the bell rang and everyone hurried to go back to their classrooms the pinkette went to the bathroom.Akaza's friends already went and as he was about to exit the bathroom he was pulled by his wrist

"What the he-" Akaza

His mouth was covered with a hand and he looked up and saw rainbow eyes staring at him.It was Douma,his sitmate

"Hello Akaza-dono!^^"


"Talking to you?"

"Let me out the stall!"


"Fuck you"

"I will dont worry^^"


"Fine i'll let you go now..."

"Finall- HMPH!"

Akaza was stopped when he felt soft lips connect with his,he soon gave in and the make out session stopped

"See you in class Akaza-dono~"

Akaza had a red hue covering his cheeks as he was covering his mouth,too shocked to even move.He snapped out of his thoughts and went to class,the class was pretty boring so he slept

He slept...

787 words


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