Mine and only Mine~

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•Douma sucking Dick
•Yandere Douma
•Bottom Akaza
•A little bit of Gore
•Short Chapter


Akaza is trying to run away from Douma who just killed the whole school except for his obsession and of course that was Akaza.He would've never knew that the popular guy would kill the whole school for someone boring like him, then something unexpected occurred

"Come back Akaza-dono~" a voice rang through the hallway as a pinkette is trying to run for his dear life while covering his mouth, too disgusted by the dead bodies all over the school that the blond had made.It was night time so no one would hear him even if he screamed his lungs out

He looked back and saw that the blond was not there anymore so he went inside the music room and his under the teachers desk trying to regain his strength, he was too tired to even move a single inch

He decided that he was gonna sleep under the teachers desk and try to escape after he woke up in the morning

But little did he know he made a mistake...

Douma pov

Does Akaza-dono think I'm that dumb? He didn't even realize that I saw him enter the music room. Heh I'll just wait and capture him later, I don't want my beloved Akaza-dono to be fired later I want him prepared of what's about to come... Waiting is boring! I'll just get him now

"Akaza-dono~ we both know where this goes if you try to hide from me right?~" I entered the door to the music room and I knew he was under the teachers desk because I heard a startled gasp but I wanted to give him a false alarm so I opened the door and close it again pretending that I had already left the class room

I walked slowly and quietly towards the teachers desk then I grabbed him causing him to scream "there you are~" I grinned at him he started to uncontrollably sob so I wiped the tears off his face but he slapped my hand away

"DON'T TOUCH ME YOU DISGUSTING BLOND MOTHER FUCKER BASTARD!" he cried as he tried to run for the door but luckily i locked earlier when I went in he turned to me and started to walk backwards until he hit the wall

"Akaza-dono dear please don't cry... it ruins your face.. " I caressed his face once more the he tried to run away but this time he tried to run for the window

It was quite funny seeing his terrified face as I walked towards him "NO STAY BACK! GET AWAY FROM ME!" He screamed I was becoming super annoyed by this behavior I frowned

"hm how about a no? Im becoming tired of this disobedience Akaza-dono,frankly I'm sick of it!" He started to cry even more, I hit him at the back of his neck then I began to carry him to my house

"Oh Akaza-dono why can you not just accept you are only mine and no one else?... "


Akaza woke up and looked around "huh? Wait where am I?.." He mumbled as he saw the door opening and a figure standing over there

"who's there? Show your face you cunt!" He heard footsteps coming closer then he could finally see the figure much more clearly now

"DOUMA?!" He saw that Douma was holding a box and there was something written on it Akaza wished he never saw

"Akaza-dono~" Akaza looked at Douma with a disgusted face, Douma started to walk towards Akaza and took out a liquid and gave it to Akaza

"drink it" Akaza was scared on what Douma would do to him if he didn't drank it so he just ended up drinking it he then started to feel something on his stomach

"w-what is this?" "Oh its aphrosidiac!" Akaza felt his eyes open at the response

"A WHAT?!" He looked up at douma and then felt something so he looked down and saw that he was...


What the hell?! Did the Aphrosidiac do this?! Douma sat on Akaza's lap and started making out with Akaza, Douma tried to enter his tounge inside Akaza's mouth but Akaza didn't let him, so he grabbed Akaza's waist,then Akaza gasped,Douma used that as the perfect opportunity to slip his tounge on Akaza's mouth then he started to make out with him, he could see Akaza tear up but he didn't care

He pulled out and bent down. He then started to unbelt akaza's pants and placed Akaza's dick on his mouth he licked on the tip first then slides his mouth to Akaza's dick putting all of it on his mouth

"ngh~ mf~ ah~" Akaza was a moaning mess and douma only went faster "NGH~! D-DOUMA!~" Akaza was in pure bliss

He felt his orgasm building up and he tried to warn Douma "d-DOUMA I'm c-cu- ah~" but all that left his mouth was moans and drool

"cumming so soon Akaza-dono?" Akaza's eyes was almost at the back of his head as Douma sucked 5 more times then Akaza came. Douma licked the cum off his lips and smirked, while Akaza was a panting mess Douma untied Akaza and placed him on his bed then went to get some tissues and cleaned him up and then drifted off to sleep with Akaza while cuddling with him

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