Popular Guy's Confession

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•Modern AU
•Douma confessing
•Douma as the popular guy
•And Akaza being the one whose tired of Douma


Douma has been liking Akaza for a long time now,he didn't like how Akaza would hang out with other people and would get mad.He finally built up the couraged and confessed his feelings

Everyone knew Douma was the most popular person on the whole school.

Then there was the quiet guy.His name is Akaza,he is always calm but when it comes to Douma,he's not calm.Well one time Douma tried to kiss Akaza and lets say it didnt end well because Douma ended up being on the nurse's care,so thats why most of Douma's fan girls hate Akaza

"Akaza-dono!" Akaza knew who that was and started to walk away but sadly Douma catched up to him
and then Douma hugged him

"come on! Why would you start to walk away from your best friend?" akaza gritted his teeth

"can you go mind your own business?" Douma didn't listened and just grinned

"hehe" he giggled at the irritated face of the pinkette

"You're wasting my time" Akaza walked away trying to get inside the class room of his next subject.But Douma made that simple task hard,he kept clinging onto Akaza,just when the bell rang for the second class they had just made it inside the class room.Everyone looked at the two, the fan girls had irritated looks on they're face and Akaza was confused why,he looked down and saw that Douma was holding his hand "ayo-"

"everyone take your seat,class is about to start" the teacher said.Everyone groaned as the teacher started teaching


It was lunch time and Akaza was about to exit the class room when he suddenly heard an irritating voice.He then turned to see that it was Douma

"akaza-dono wait for me!" Akaza just sighed,he had enough of Douma.They walked to the cafeteria and went in,when suddenly many fan girls rushed to Douma.Offering their food so that Douma can sit next to them.While Akaza was being pushed by all the fan girls,when he finally got out of the crowd he then walked away from the scene and went to go eat with Daki and the others

"Hey Akaza! over here!" Daki signaled akaza to come over and akaza went over to their table

"hey Daki..." Daki looked suspiciously at Akaza

"hey Akaza are you okay?"

"No im not" Daki dramatically gasped


"Douma's fan girls literally trampled over me earlier because they saw Douma!,i hate the fact that i cant fight back"

"well...how about we just eat? Im starving," Daki whined trying to change the topic and Kaigaku slapped his forehead.They began to eat and then suddenly the bullies came

"oi you!" One of the girls said with her arms crossed

"oh- uh- me?" Akaza asked

"yes you,i need you stay away from Douma" she looked irritated

"but he's the one who clings onto me-"

"do you think i care? Now stay away from him or you're gonna get it.Lets go girls" the bullies walked away

"What is their problem? Douma is literally the one clinging onto Akaza! They act as if they own Douma!" Daki snapped as Akaza just laughed awkwardly.Then the bell rang for the last period of the day,everyone finished their food and started to walk to their next class then Douma grabbed Akaza to an empty room and held Akaza's hand

"uh Douma? Why are we here?"

"Akaza i-i just have to get something off of my chest...Akaza ive liked you ever since kindergarten...do you like me too?" Douma looked at Akaza with pleading eyes

Akaza was flabbergasted,the popular guy liking him? Thats insane,out of all people he chose him

"Akaza please say something i cant bear the silence!" Akaza thought about an answer and decided to be honest

"y-yes! I like you back" Douma smiled happily and hugged Akaza

"does that mean we are a couple now?" Douma asked

"yes Douma we are"

"yay!" Akaza giggled at his childish behavior,Akaza patted Douma's hair

"come on lets go were gonna be late"

"yeh.." Douma grabbed Akaza and walked to their class

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