shit,he found out?!

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Third person pov
Humming sounds was heard as akaza walked through the dark alleyway.It was late at night most likely midninght and he was all alone.No vehicles was heard nor humans,it was all just him.But then he heard someone walking which alerted him and quickly turned back only to be met by darkness.The last thing he heard was

"Finally i found you"

Akaza woke up feeling like shit.He looked around the room he was in but quickly pretended to be asleep once he heard voices outside the room.The door opened to reveal two men

A blond male looking jerk who has a freaky smile on his face and....rainbow eyes?? What the hell

Well the other person was a male too,he had red hair blue eyes and a suit.

what was up with this people? Well that wasnt his business.He closed his eyes once they turned to look at him and eavesdropped on their conversation

"Soo this is the boy?~"

"Yes sir.Now wheres my money?"

He recognized that voice.YES! That was the voice he heard earlier before passing out.And he just found out he was getting sold to a random male that he had never seen before

He opened his eyes and the red haired male left the room to give the blond and pinkette some space

Douma walked over to short male who was now in a sitting position and stood right infront of him

"Whats your name pretty boy?~"

Akaza almost gagged at the nickname he was given but managed to stop himself.He wasn't gonna answer the person infront of him but when he saw the gun on his pocket he answered straightly

"Akaza...akaza soyama."

Douma hummed and grinned ear to ear.Akaza gulped,he didn't liked how the rainbow eyed male was acting

"Nice to meet you akaza!~ im douma~"

Akaza went back to reality and looked at douma with a 'what the hell' face but douma just giggled and yook his hand so akaza was forced to stand up and walk with him

"ill show you where you are gonna be living~"

Akaza nodded slightly but douma noticed it and dragged him to the car and started driving

4 hours later

Akaza had fallen asleep.But when he woke up he was greeted by a big ass mansion with many maids waiting for douma.Was he a celebrity?!

"Come in akaza-dono!"

Douma already had a nickname for him but he didnt.How embarrassing

Akaza entered the huge door and his eyes widened by the inside of the house.So this was where he was going to live???

"Let me show you ur room!"

They both entered a big room that made akaza's jaw drop.Is everything in this house big?..

"so uhm....i'm k-kinda hungry.When can i ea-"

Akaza got cut off as douma pulled his hand again and walked to the kitchen.Everyone looked at them both and akaza turned to look and saw there were many people sitting in the chairs of the long table

"Sorry im late!"

"Its fine douma-sama.."

Akaza looked at douma on confusion.Douma-sama? Huh.... Well lets ignore that

Both of the male sat next to each other and akaza started to eat immediately.Douma giggled,akaza just looked too cute

"Sooo who's he douma? Care to tell us?"

"Oh! Nakime-san he's my boyfriend!^^"

Akaza chocked at his food

"You okay there akaza-don-"


Akaza got cut off as everyone turned to look at a black haired male entering the door.Douma quickly stood up and bowed

"Apologies muzan-sama! We were just waiting for you!"

So his name was muzan?.. uh okay.Well...akaza looked at douma and then looked at the so called male muzan

"So he's the boy?"


Akaza didnt bother to listen to their conversation and started to eat agian.Muzan sat down and looked at akaza with a death stare,akaza didn't noticed this and soon finiished his food

Akaza stood up but got pulled down by douma

"Dont stand up yet! Wait for us"

Douma shout whispered.Akaza nodded and sat down

Minutes later

Everyone finally finished and turned to go home but douma carried a sleeping akaza,bridal style to his room and placed him on the bed carefully

Douma was about to go outside the room but stopped  when he heard akaza talked

"You're an assasin aren't you?"

Shit,he found out?!

734 words

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