douma's rage pt2

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Short and rushed
Bad ending
Douma cheating
Akaza dying:(
Cucosday here

Random pov
It had been 3 days ever since the incident between the two lovers.Akaza and douma,akaza wanted to say sorry to douma but one day something happened.....

Akaza was trying to find douma but he couldnt find him,then a place in his head came,douma's cult

He was sure douma was there and if he wasnt then only god knows what will happen to akaza.So akaza went there praying that douma was in his cult and to his good luck douma was inside his room

He was about to come in by the window but a boy came inside the room.He sat on the tree spying on douma and the boy,he listened to their conversation.And he found out that the boys name was kilopi

"Douma-sama why cant you just accept me?" Kilopi said coming closer to douma and sitting on his lap.Douma grinned and held kilopi's waist with both of his waist and said "dont worry ill leave akaza soon enough,just wait baby~" kilopi and douma started to make out while akaza....

Akaza felt his heart shatter into a million pieces.He couldnt believe what he was seeing,if he knew douma was cheating he would have break up with him a lobg time ago

So akaza just went back to the infinity castle and went inside his room.Once he had entered his room he began to uncontrollably sob "douma was cheating on me? I should have known" he cried for so many hours his blanket was soaking wet from all the tears that left akaza's eyes

Akaza passed out after crying for so many hours.When he woke up a meeting was called

"Muzan-sama is here" said nakime
Everyone bowed and akaza glanced at douma.But turned to look away immediately "everyone...all of the uppermoons except akaza is free from all the missions" muzan said,everyone eyes lit up except akaza "as for you will be sent on a mission,because u need to be stronger or you will lose your rank" akaza nodded and then muzan left

Akaza then went outside to complete his mission,his mission was to kill the stone hashira along with the wind hashira "lets just get this over with..." tears fell on akaza's eyes as he walk remembering what happened earlier

When he reached his destiny he felt weak...then the stone and wind hashira appeared

The battle began and akaza was close on being defeated but he kept trying and trying until the battle finally came to an end.And unfortunately

Akaza lost

Yes akaza the great uppermoon 3 had lost a battle between the stone and wind hashira

A meeting was called...

Everyone got confused and saw douma with a human "douma who is he?..." daki asked with widen eyes pointing at the boy sitting on douma's lap "oh hes kilopi!" Douma said.He tried to talk once more but daki left,then muzan was summoned.Daki wondered where akaza was and raised her hand.Muzan took notice of this and said "yes daki?" Daki gulped before answering "where is akaza master?" When daki said that douma felt his stomach sank with muzan's reply

"Thats the reason of this meeting"

No no no NO! This cant be happening! Douma thought but he was wrong.It had already happened,everyone snapped into reality when muzan started to speak

"Akaza also known as uppermoon 3 had lost a battle between the wind and stone hashira.I had found a note that he had left me incase he died" as muzan began to speak what was in the note.Douma felt tears coming out of his rainbow colored eyes

The note:
Dear douma
If muzan-sama is reading this to you,i am dead,and i know that you have been cheating on me with a boy named kilopi.If u are wondering how i know,its because i went to ur cult to apologise what had happened days ago and i saw you with kilopi.Just know that i still love you douma

From uppermoon 3 akaza

Everyone turned to look at douma's crying face and daki went to comfort douma but kilopi got in the way "get away from him hoe!" When kilopi said that he immediately got unalived by douma.And then douma said

"I should have known..."

This is the last part of douma's rage
736 words

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