Playboy Part 2

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Third Person POV
Akaza's head shot up straight as he heard the school bell ringing all over the building and cathcing eveyone's attention,after the teacher dismissed them.

The honey eyed male sighed and placed his backpack over his shoulder and started heading towards the door.And ofcourse that blond bastard stopped him once again from exiting this hellish classroom

"What the hell do you want now?"

"Come to my house at 9:00pm~"

"And why should i?"

"You have no choice anyways house is at ######### street~ dont be late!"

And without another thought the blond male left the room.Leaving Akaza completely alone in the dimly lit room.

That popular blond was fraustating him from all this teasing and attention.Then he felt his cheeks glow dark red after remembering what happened earlier in the day,shaking it off he proceeded to exit the room and outside the building


He cursed to himself for accepting the invitation from the blonde guy,but here he is,standing infront of the humongous mansion,standing infront of the door.

His shivering hands pressed the doorbell beside the white wooden door.The door swiftly opened to reveal a tall figure with rainbow eyes staring right into his golden ones,he flushed red at the gaze he was given and lowered his head

"Come inside Akaza! You're welcomed as my guest..."

His tone lowered as the sentence continued,Akaza stepped inside and looked around.Milky white walls,spiral stairs,a chandelier hanging in the middle of the living room.It was neatly decorated

"Feel free to look around! We're the only ones home anyways~"

Akaza was hesitant at firsy but his brain insisted so he did what he was told and explored the mansion,he looked through the rooms one by one and what caught his attention was the room that belonged to the rainbow eyed male.It had alot of stuff...including inappropriate toys.The first question ran through his head,why would a decent guy have this?

But he remembered that Douma wasnt decent,rumours have been going around that he was a playboy and only used people for his needs of pleasure.

He shook his head,removing the wild thoughts that were roaming at the corner of his brain

He placed the toy back to the top part of the cupboard and turned around while holding his other wrist,his lips quivering,sweat running down his forehead,his body felt so hot.

But he couldnt pleasure himself as he was inside the mansion that belonged to the person he hated the most,or did he?

He took steps to go to the bathroom but he felt a delicate hand hold his wrist,pulling his wrist back to himself.

He looked up and saw rainbow pupils staring at him,it made him uneasy.He knew he shouldnt have went here...

"Yknow Akaza...i can see your..."

His head looked down and his eyes narrowed at the pinkette's tent up pants,Akaza gritted his teeth and furrowed his eyebrows

But at the same time his cheeks turned bright red due to embarrassment

"I can help you with that!"

"No! Fuck off! Im doing this myself!"

"So stubborn...why wont you let me?"

"Are you an idiot? Im not letting you touch my body!"

"Come on~ ill make you feel really good~"

Akaza stepped back until his back touched the wall.Now he was conpletely trapped,gulping down the lump in his throat

An arm was holding his pear shaped body but also muscular at the same time

"Such a nice body you have Akaza-dono~ i want to know more..."

He felt soft lips touch his,his golden eyes widened at the sudden touch he got from the taller male,he felt his body being dragged closer and now his soft hands was touching the blond male's chest.

Douma bit Akaza's bottom lip,earning a yelp and he used his opportunity to enter his tounge inside Akaza's mouth

The smaller male moaned into the kiss and gasped as he felt his croth being rubbed by the other's.He hated how he loved the feeling he was given

He soon needed air and he pressed on Douma's chest.Signalling him to pull away fron the long kiss

"Jesus Ch-... *pant* -rist Douma... *pant*"

Douma curved his lips,forming a grin as he looked at the sight infront of him.It was adorable really

The slender hands carried the pinkette bridal style and walked towards the large bed that was behind them.

He gently placed Akaza on the soft matress and began undressing his shirt,giving the younger male the same treatment but he also removed Akaza's pants

"H-hey thats not fair,why am i almost naked and you're still covered?..."

The blond male didnt asnwer but instead he removed his pants and underwear (i feel so goofy)

Akaza felt his cheeks blush once more at the sight.He kept blushing whenever he sees Douma,is he inlove with him?... Possibly

"Get ready Akaza-dono cause this is going to be a long night~"

He licked his lips and slammed into the smaller male without even preparing him.

He said it was punishment for cursing to him numerous times,and fuck did it hurt like hell

"Such a good boy taking me so well~"

He cooed while massaging Akaza's upper thighs.While the submissive male had tears running down his cheeks like waterfalls.

Soon he adjusted and the blond slammed into his hole with no hesitation,he screamed more rather than moaning.It hurts but also felt good at the same time...

He wasnt going to walk for many days now...

(Im still not comfortable in writing smut so i ended it...Ideas for the nect oneshot chapter please cus i have no idea.And also im not making a part two since i dont know how to continue it,I hope you guys enjoyed!Love you all!

-Your terrible author)

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