Messed Up

691 7 37

A/N:comment requests here please, I'm running out of ideas 🙁 >>>>>



-Hashira AU
-breaking someone's heart
-the bottom dies

Characters in this chap are ❗

-Aya (You'll know her role later)
-Kamado Squad
-Hakuto (As uppermoon 3)


Akaza woke up after feeling the
sunrays hit his face.He looked absolutely pale than before and worned out after the battle yesterday night

He got ready and took a bath.He then put on his uniform after taking a bath and placed his Katana on the side of his waist.His crow then flew to his shoulder

"Caw caw! A meeting is being held at the Ubuyashiki estate! Master Kagaya wants you to come!"

The crow announced and Akaza nodded before heading out of his estate.He was then met with...moans? It was the moans of a girl.Why would someone have sex at 7 am? Probably just Kanroji and Iguro again..

The pinkette ignored the sounds and ran to the Ubuyashiki estate.He arrived shortly and saw the other hashiras.He walked over to Kokushibo whom was talking with Kyojuro as always

"Hey Kokushibo! Where's Douma?"

Kokushibo turned around slowly after hearing Akaza's voice.Kyojuro waved at the pink haired male and grinned,the other did the same gesture to the fiery haired male

"He might be...late"

"Oh alri-"

"Hey guys!"

Douma spoke out loudly.Making Akaza's attention turn to him.Akaza had liked the blonde for awhile now but he never had the guts to confess to him, so he kept being foolish instead of confessing

Akaza ran over to Douma and grinned.He was about to say something when a female stepped infront of Douma.Akaza was confused,who was she?

"Hey! Back away,faggot!"

Akaza was taken aback.He never heard or experienced such harsh words especially if it came from a woman

"Sorry miss! But can I talk to him for a seco-"

"Shut the fuck up,freak.Get away from my lover"

Gasps were heard from the other hashiras

"O-oh! Alright, I'll leave you guys..."

He turned around and went back to Kokushibo and Kyojuro.Teard threatened to fall out his eyes but he stopped them from doing so as he didn't want to look vulnerable infront of the others

"Hey okay?"

Kyojuro asked.He knew how much Douma valued to Akaza, and how much the golden eyed male loved the blonde

"Y-yeah! Why shouldnt I be? It's a great weather today! Haha.."

He spoke.A forced and fake smile on his face,his voice broke midway through the sentence

"If you say so...hey, if you need me.I'll be always free for you"

Akaza smiled softly and lowered his head

"Thanks Kyojuro..."

Just then, Kagaya showed up and everyone bowed down.Akaza was about to bow down next to Douma but he was kicked away by no one other than that female.Akaza didn't mind it tho and just moved to another spot which was beside Kyojuro

"The weather is lovely today Isnt it?"

They all said yes except for Douma's so called lover

"The reason I called you all here is to meet a new hashira.Please treat her with respect and kindness"

The said person went up to the front and smirked

"Hey all~ the name's Aya"

She winked at Douma after her sentence and went back beside him.Akaza looked at the couple, he frowned and looked away.Not wanting to get more hurt

"Now that we're done with that...I am giving you a mission.Akaza"

All heads turned to him except for Aya's,instead, she rolled her eyes.Clearly annoyed at the fact she wasn't getting noticed

"Yes master.Whats the mission

"You will go to the Mugen train with Tanjiro,Zenitsu,And Inosuke.I hope you succeed."

"Of course master.I will"

"Very well..the meeting is over.Everyone can go back to what they were doing earlier"

Kagaya left, being guided by his two child.The other hashiras stood up, and some of them already left

"Hey Akaza, are you sure you're gonna be alright?"

Asked Kokushibo with a worried tone and a worried look too

"Yeah! I feel great, I'm sure I'll do it"

"Okay...well, I'll go now.See you later I guess"


Kokushibo and Kyojuro walked beside eachother and waved goodbye before walking back to only god knows

Now it was just Douma,Aya, and Akaza infront of the estate

"Bye love, I'll see you later"

Douma kissed Aya's lips quickly and left.Leaving Aya and Akaza all alone.Aya turned to Akaza and glared, making the male hashira look away.But the black haired girl walked over to him and kicked the back of his knee causing him to fall

"I know you like Douma...He's mine and not yours.We're in a relationship and I would appreciate it if you would stay out of our love life.And I hope you fail in that mission and die! You're worthless and nothing.Just get lost already"

She gave him one last kick on his head and walked back to her estate.Laughing loudly while walking

Akaza sat there with his head lowered,his lips quivered and tears fell out of his eyes.He then stood up and ran back to his place while still crying.Did he deserve this? Why is she so rude and hurtful? Maybe she's right..he is worthless..

"Maybe I should,Akaza.Dont think about that kind of stuff.You will succeed!...Ill just sleep to gain more energy in the night.."

He did as what he's mind told him and plopped on the bed,he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.Letting exhaustion take over him


Part two? 🥨

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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