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A/N:MY WRITING STYLE WILL BE LIKE THIS FOR THE ONESHOT BOOK NOW (Look at the bottom of this text). I can't bear to go back to the past chapters and change them into this style so yeah.And don't expect this writing style to stay this way forever



-Modern AU
-Mentions of Heartbreaking
-Attempted Suicide

Characters In This Chap Are❗

-Kamaboko Squad (idk how to spell it)
-Random Students/Teachers


"I dare you to make that pink haired freak fall inlove with you.And break his heart"

Kaigaku said lowly but enough for the rest of the group to hear.The blonde male smirked and stopped eating his meal

"How many money?"

Kaigaku once again,replied rather quickly and laughed, following with a question at the end of the sentence

"100 dollars.You in?"

"Tch! Are you joking? Ofcourse!"

The group of friends laughed to themselves.And had fun until it was time for classes.But he didn't need to make Akaza fall inlove with him since he already wa-


He breathed frantically.Running towards a pinkette with a worried expression plastered on his face.Akaza turned around after spotting the red haired male who is known as Kamado Tanjiro

"What is it,Kamado?"

Akaza asked with a toothy grin

"Akaza! You have to believe me! Kaigaku dared Douma to make you fall inlove with him and break your heart! Please becareful.I don't want you getting hurt.."

His senior looked down at him for a second a giggled lightly

"Douma wouldn't do such a thing! Plus, I'm planning on confessing to him tomorrow!"

Tanjiro stared in horror,fear,anger, and sadness as he found out that Akaza didn't believe him.Tanjiro didn't know what to do so he begged desperately for Akaza to believe him.But of course the stubborn male didn't believe his junior, and walked away to his class.Leaving Tanjiro all alone and worried with mixed emotions in his heart


Location:Soyama House

The door opened with a creaking sound, almost like it was a loosen floorboard you stepped on.Akaza entered the house, seeing his brother and her girlfriend sitting on the couch while watching a romance movie

They never failed to make Akaza cringe

Hakuji noticed his brother at the doorway whom was taking off his shoes and putting it on the shoerack

"Hey Brother! How was school?"

"It was okay.Call me when you need, I'm going to be upstairs"


Akaza dashed upstairs and into his bedroom.He placed his backpack on his desk and changed into his at-home clothes

"How should I confess to Douma...Oh I know! I'll write him a letter!"

Akaza's face beamed with happiness.He took his pen,a piece of paper,a sticky note, and an envelope

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