inlove with a criminal

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Criminal Douma
Citizen Akaza


"A new dead body has been found by the river located at ###########.There had been several reports that saw the killer. We managed to find who it was and he goes by the name... Douma" Said the reporter. There it was. The person who got the interest of a certain pinkette. He had taken a liking of the murderer which was not normal but one day he saw a scene..he got hit and got abducted by someone he never thought he would meet...

Third person POV

"A new dead body has been found by the river located at ###########.There had been several reports that saw the killer. We managed to find who it was and he goes by the name... Douma"

That news was spreading like wildfire at Akaza's neighborhood. He didn't took interest at it the first time he heard about it. But when he looked more he never thought he would take interest at this murderer who goes by the name douma

Time skip

"Akaza! Wake up you're gonna be late for school!" Akaza's mom

Akaza's eyes opened as he heard the voice of his mother calling out to him. He sat up and looked at the clock. It read 6:12am

He stood up and walked  over to his bathroom and got ready for the day. It was another day of hell. He didn't have the energy to even go to school. Yet he still forced himself, he didn't want to get scolded by his mom again

Akaza walked downstairs and checked the time. 6:30am.How did time go by so fast? Well he didn't had enough time so he grabbed a toast and headed out. As he was walking at the sidewalk he saw some of his friends calling out to him. It was Daki and her brother

He walked over to them and greeted them good morning. They started a conversation and they didn't realized they had been talking for a while as they soon reached their school. The others were waiting for them at the school gate. Daki, as usual she called out to them and walked inside the school with her friends

The honey eyed male waved goodbye to his friends as he started to walk to his locker. He clicked the numbers to his pass code and opened the locker door then he placed his stuff. He closed his locker door and headed over to his class


He didn't like the subject. He never did, he didn't even listen to some of the lessons. The pinkette looked to his side and looked out there window to look outside. Akaza's thoughts went over to the murderer that was at the news yesterday

He remembered the facial features of the blond haired male. He had rare rainbow color eyed. A well built body and a handsome looking face. He sighed and closed his eyes as he drifted to sleep...


The once sleeping male shot up after hearing the sound of the familiar bell. He stood up and prepared to go to his next class. But before he reached his locker he heard strange noises coming out of the janitor's closet. It wasn't lewd or anything, but instead it was like a muffled scream. Akaza cursed to himself on why was he even doing this,then he hesitantly knocked on the door and called out

"Is somebody okay?" Akaza

No reply was heard so he opened the unlocked door. That was a big mistake cause a very gory and uncomfortable scene was held infrony of him. Blood was splattered all over the wall,two dead bodies were laying on the floor. It was a girl and a boy

The boy had his stomach opened so the port pinkette could see the insides of the body.His neck was also cut open,and as for the girl she had a long X cut on her stomach and bruises were all over her body. Akaza tried to leave this scene and call the principal but he blacked out before he even got to reach the door behind him. The last thing he heard was

"You're a pretty one arent you?" ?????

Time skip

Akaza woke up and he was faced by a light right infront of him. What a great way to wake up. He looked around and then realized he was tied to chair with no hope of escaping. He was scared,and decided to call out to see if somebody else was in the room. He fixed his vision and called out

"Is anybody here? Get me out! GET ME OUT YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Akaza

He continued to call out until he heard the door open and his eyes widened as he saw who the person was standing at the door


He panicked. He regretted taking a liking on a literal serial killer. He was gonna die now,thoughts ran his head but soon got interrupted by a voice that was made by the person in front of him. Akaza felt his chin get touched by a finger that forced him to face the blond murderer infront of him. The rainbow eyed male had an unusual grin that was plastered on his face

"What's your name?" Douma

"M-my name is... Fuck you stupid bitch-" Akaza

"Now now~ that isn't polite!" Douma

Akaza gritted his teeth. This was the most annoying murderer to ever exist. He wanted to kill the murderer right there and then. Akaza replied by biting his finger. Douma pulled away with an annoyed look on his face

Akaza smirked but was soon turned into a scared expression as he saw the blond male take a knife and gagball that was placed on his hands now and turned over to the sitting male. Akaza gulped and closed his eyes tight but he opened again to look at the blond in confusion

"This is for another person! I would never hurt you^^" douma

Akaza sighed in relief but then douma opened the closet and the pink haired male widened his eyes as he saw who was the person infront if him

"H-help me akaz- ACK!" Daki

"W-whats the meaning of this?! LET HER GO! YOU FAKE BLOND BASTARD!" Akaza

Akaza got a giggle as a reply as the murderer infront of him started to torture hiss best friend. It was pure torture for akaza as douma started to break the fingers in her hand one by one. Daki screamed in agony as akaza couldn't do anything but just watch. He started to sob as his best friend was getting her neck slit open. The torturing went on for many minutes until.. Daki finally gave up, she died...

Akaza was raging mad. All he saw was red, douma stood up and turned to him and grinned larger than the last one

"Now... That was a great punishment eh?" Douma

Before akaza coulda shout at him he was stopped as that blond bastard had the audacity to kiss him. Akaza cried as teare ran down his face. He cried and cried until douma finally pulled away. Akaza passed out due to exhaustion and douma untied him before placing him on the bed and cuddled with him a as they both drifted off to sleep

(I hope you guys enjoyed it! Sorry if there are spelling mistakes)

1234 words

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