wait what?!

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angst cause why not
Good ending

Third person pov
"I cant believe you douma!" The other uppermoons quickly went to the sound of akaza's rage "look im sorry! I was drunk!" Sounds of sobbing was heard as a blond demon is trying to apologise to his boyfriend

"Akaza whats wrong?!" Daki panicked as he looked at his step-dad crying "YOU'RE ASKING WHATS WRONG?! HE CHEATED ON ME!!" Everyone widened their eyes except for the two lovers

"Douma you did what?..." daki was in disbelief.This cant be happening! They were the sweetest lover and now    its gone because douma cheated on the honey eyed male!

"Akaza please forgive me! I didn't mean to!"

"Back off..." akaza started to sob uncontrollably as douma started coming closer with tears flowing down his cheeks

"I SAID BACK OFF BASTARD!!" Douma stopped on his tracks and looked down while akaza gritted his teeth,tears falling on his face while looking at douma with widened eyes

"Please akaza! Just forgive me! I promise ill never do that again!" Akaza nodded no and said

"No..and we.are.breaking.up" the last sentence broke douma's heart as he fell down on his knees and looked at his ex-lover leaving him behind.Without a hug

"Im sorry douma.." kaigaku tried to comfort douma but the blond demon pushed him away which caused kaigaku to fall on his back "NO! GIVE ME SOME TIME ALONE WILL YOU?! GO AWAY!" douma gripped his hair in frustration and everyone left excpet him

Douma stood up and started to walk over to the paradise cult.Little did he know someone was waiting for him..

Time skip
When douma had entered his cult he walked over to his bedroom and sat on his bed.He was about to change his clothes when suddenly he stopped

"Aww it was getting fun!" A voice of a girl said

The demon widened his eyes and turned around


Douma screamed as the red haired girl smirked

"I guess you both broke up? Heh my plan did worked"

The rainbow eyed male gritted his teeth and walked over to the girl infront of the closed door

"Now now i know im beautiful but slow down douma-sam ACK!"

Douma gripped her neck and snapped it

"Thats what you get you mother fucker!"

'Now i just have to make things right with akaza-dono....'

Douma mumbled as he thought for a way to make things right with his ex-lover

Akaza pov
"Why did i do that?! Im so stupid!! I shouldn't have done that... URGH! Now he wont want to be with me anymore" i stopped as i heard a knock on my door "whos there!" No reply was heard but seconds later i heard a voice "its me...douma" i widened my eyes.Did he came back for me?! I cant even face him! Should i forgive him?.... i should....that wasnt his fault.Fine ill go forgive him,i stood up and sucked a breath before opening the door only to reveal douma fidgeting with his fingers

"What is it douma?.."

He looked at me with pleading eyes before he sighed and finally said something

"Look..i know what i did today was wrong so...will you please forgive me?...i still love you akaza..."

I blushed at his words.Wait why am i blushing?! Well-

"Douma...i- I LOVE YOU TOO!"

Douma suddenly turned to me with speed and grinned ear to ear

"So does that means we're together again?"

I giggled seeing his childish actions back.Gosh i missed it so much

"Yes.yes we are douma"

He hugged me and mumbled

"Thank you akaza..."

I hugged him back and mumbled something that was quiet but im pretty sure he heard it

"I love you dumbass"

"I love you too akaza-dono!"

Years later
Me and douma had been together for 3 years and it was going smoothly.We never broke out into fights again and if we did he would apologise immediately.I loved him so much i will do anything not to lose him


"What is it douma?"

"Im sorry!"

Wait WHAT?!

690 words

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