you will never escape darling~

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Akaza POV
I had been here for 3 months.This crazy bastard won't let me go! He acts like I'm his toy or his pet💢 if I disobey him I get punished, and that isn't fair at all! I hope I can go back to the others even though I don't like them that much.....

I miss their dumb laughs,annoying faces, and my family is probably panicking while looking for me.Little did they know I was stuck here.Inside the house of this yandere,his name is douma.I still cant believe after everything he had done to me.I still like him...

I sighed and looked around the room I was prisoned in.There was nothing to do,everything here was boring.I was sitting on my bed peacefully when the door slammed open.I flinched and looked at the door,I saw that it was just the mother fucker  who captured me and trapped me here!

I gritted my teeth.Losing control of myself every second I look at his face and letting rage take over,but I soon stopped when I saw what was in his hands.It was food,I almost drooled at the beautiful pancakes in front of me

Douma chuckled but I didn't care,I just wanted a taste of that food.But then a thought came on my mind.What if he poisoned it? Well I don't care.Atleast then I can get away from this crazy bastard.But what about my family? And friends? Will they miss me? They probably will

My thoughts got soon interrupted by a plate being placed infront of me.I looked up to see it was douma with his creepy,fake smile plastered on h
Is face again.I wasted no time and started to eat.And to my surprise,it wasn't poisoned! I ate more until the plate got cleaned off

"Woah!easy there akaza-dono~ don't want you to choke!~ is your throat fine now? Hope I didn't go too rough on you last night~" douma

He whispered in my ear and I blushed.No,it was the weather.No way i'd blush to his words, fuck off might be wondering what happened last night....well let's not talk about that,but I'll give you a clue! I lost my ability to walk.


Third person POV
Akaza was sleeping on the bed peacefully,his mouth opened slightly to let soft snores past through.Well.....he dreamt of something.Wanna know what the dream is?Well he dreamt of something and that something is him escaping this hellhole and going back to the people he love

But that cute,peacefully dream got interrupted when he woke up.It was midnight and he had nothing to do.But the dream he just had came into mind,why don't he try what he did on that dream? Well it worked while he was sleeping but could it also work in the real life? No, probably not.But how would he know if he hadnt do it yet?

That's what he was going to do.Try to escape and if he succeed he will finally be free again! But what happens if he fail? Well... Let's not talk about that,something worse will be waiting for him if he fails.Now let's focus on how he is going to escape

First he's gonna walk out of his door since its open at nights so douma could check on him.And hope that the gate is unlock.And if it's not, he could hope if the back door is open.Yes! That's it, hope.Thats what he needed.Now... Let's get this escape plan mission started


"You shouldn't have done that akaza-dono! You knew what was going to happen~" douma

Painful screams was heard as akaza was being poorly punished because of his actions


Douma giggled but nodded no.Begging wasn't gonna get akaza out of this,after what he did you expect douma to go easy on him? Oh you wished

Chocked sobs were heard as a honey yellow eyed male,laying down while curling into a ball on the soft bed that was given to him.He wanted to go home but he couldnt.There was just no escaping this crazy yandere.He was about to fall asleep when he felt someone sit beside him.He already knew who it was so he didn't bother to talk

His throat was so sore from all the screaming and begging,his voice was so hoarse from all the crying.But then, he heard douma say something that he will never forget even at his afterlife

"You will never escape darling~"

779 words

Y'all know when akaza failed the escape plan part?.I felt embarrassed ngl

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