his new victim

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Hashira akaza
Demon/uppermoon 2 douma

Random pov
A pinkette was heard running as he breathed heavily,trying to run away from a crazy blond demon who had been chasing him ever since he entered the forest.It was night and the forest had alot of fog so it was hard for him to see

Akaza ran and ran until he came to a dead end.He heard a giggle and knew it belong to the blond demon,he had no hope.With a broken sword and a fresh wound on his chest he was practically hopeless

"Oh akaza dont run from me!~ we both know you have no hope anymore so just come to me~"

Akaza gritted his teeth.He didn't like that voice.No,erase that. He hated that voice

Akaza was about to say something but he ended up passing out from exhaustion.Well you cant blame him.Just imagine you're being chased by the uppermoon 2 and had a fresh wound.So you will totally pass out

Now back to the story

Time skip
Still random pov
A low groan was heard as akaza woke up and found himself all chained up in a bed.He panicked,as he looked around and wondered where he was.He wanted to go back to his hashira friends even tho they were annoying.He wanted to go to kyojuro and hang out with him but all of those were crushed by uppermoon 2

Akaza flinched as the door was slammed open.A low taunting giggle was heard as the honey eyed male gulped and looked at the glowing eyes of uppermoon 2

"Hello love! How was sleep?"

Akaza cringed at the pet name given by the demon.Douma didnt liked how the pinkette was glaring at him so he frowned but soon turned into a smile again once he saw the fear on akaza's eyes

"Come~ ill show you to the others!"

Akaza made a 'ts' sound as douma unchained and placed a collar on him


akaza screamed but got cut off as akaza took out his fan

"You will do anything i say or you'll get punished.So behave"

Akaza nodded.Look i know he's a hashira but he cant beat uppermoon 2,he was way too strong compared to akaza!

Douma grabbed the rope attached to akaza's collar and pulled him as if he were a dog.Irk marks started to show on akaza's forehead as the other uppermoons looked at him.This situation was so embarrasing he wished the ground would just swallow him

"Who's he douma?..."

A low serious voice said which caught the pinkette's attention,as he turned to look at the demon saw the 6 eyes of uppermoon 1...

This was scaring the living shit out of him! Of all the demons uppermoon 1 chose to speak first

"Oh! He's my pet!"

Akaza widened his eyes at the last sentence of the rainbow eyed male


"Muzan-sama has arrived..."

All the demons bowed and akaza stood straight looking down at the demons with confusion

"And who are you?"

A terrific voice said.Akaza turned to look at the higher platform and saw a demon that had black curly hair,red eyes,and a suit

"I-I'm a-akaza"

"Are you a hashira?"

Akaza nodded and the black haired male smirked

"Well....are you willingly to turn into a demon?"

Akaza stood frozen at the question.What the hell?

Who was this person to ask that?

Short chapter sorryyy

581 words

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