Midnight Cravings part 1

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Akaza yawned and streched his arms as he looked around his boring plain room with an irritated expression. He was too tired from the fight with the Flame Hashira last night, he was about to go to sleep again but then he got teleported to a platform. He sighed knowing there is gonna be a meeting

"1...2...3" akaza

"Akaza-dono!" douma

"Just what I expected..." Akaza

Akaza turned to look at his annoying yet majestic face. He suddenly felt his master's presence and as he knew they all bowed in front the demon king. Of course he just scolded them and how no one has been able to find the blue spider lily. It was common for these type of meetings to happen now. Akaza thought if his Lord ever gets bored of doing this

Time skip

The meeting was over and everyone was dismissed. They all got teleported to different places to do the mission the black haired male assigned them. Akaza was just supposed to kill a retired Hashira. It was a non-challenging fight side he was very weak. I mean, how can you even fight with one arm?

Akaza sighed and walked over to the nearest place he can get to since he didn't feel like going to the castle. He stopped walking and realized where he was

Eternal Paradise

The place disgusted the honey eyed male especially their so called leader whom they call god but was actually a human eating demon. He had no choice but to stay here so he sneaked to a window and walked and walked until he reached a door. He felt somebody else's presence and he knew who it was. Ofcourse it was the person he hated, no one other than douma

He gripped the handle of the door and decided not to be a coward. He opened the door and over there on the bed revealed a blond haired demon taking his clothes off. Akaza turned red, he tried to close the door again but douma turned his head to the side so akaza could see douma's side face. He didn't have a smile which was weird, it caused chills to go up akaza's spine

Akaza ignored it and was about to close the door, again. But was stopped when a hand placed itself on uppermoon's wrist. Of course it was no one other than douma. Since he was faster, stronger, and etc. Akaza pulled his wrist away from the man and was about to throw some insults when he felt a tounge slither at the black of his neck. Akaza groaned and punched his face off. Blood splattered everywhere on the floor. The rainbow eyed male regenerated and grinned an unusually big one

It made his inferior get more annoyed. Akaza's mind went to space and as for douma. He grabbed the waist that belonged to the striped male in front of him. It made akaza snap out of his thoughts, he widened his eyes and turned his head and look directly at douma's eyes. He gulped once he saw it was clouded by lust

The pinkette thought 'was he doing this with the person he hated the most?'

It was quite a shock. But for douma, he hand waited for this his whole demon life. Well not exactly

Douma's hand reached akaza's stomach. He placed his hand further down until he reached the top of akaza's pants. Akaza turned red, almost bloody red. As he was about to put douma's hand away. Familiar vines stopped him

"What the fuc-" akaza

"Mind your language akaza..." Douma

He spoke with a menacing tone. Akaza didn't liked that tone, he never did. It never failed to send goosebumps on his body. Akaza felt shameful for being so stupid, he should of had left and find another place to stay but since he was so dumb he fell right into the trap. Was he dumb or did he felt something for douma too?...


Well...im gonna leave it here since my motivation ran out and I'm gonna sleep! So I'll update tomorrow:D bye bye!

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