he's perfect...

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There is a part 2

Info:human akaza
Demon douma/uppermoon 2

Douma pov
I was sitting on my pillow like throne waiting for my next meal,wait i can just get one for myself since its night time! Silly me.I stood up and exited the cult and went to a village where i ususally get my food.I walked around acting like a human,but then a girl came running to me

"H-hi sir! What's your name?"

Strange why should she ask my name? I dont even know her.Hmnm but think about it,she can be my meal!Then thats a win win,i tell her my name and she can be my meal.But i cant devour her here

"Hm? Im douma!~ nice to meet you lady~"

I tried to speak at my nicest tone as hard as possible.I could tell she was flustered but i just grinned

"A-are you new here? I can show y-you around sir d-douma!"

I nodded and she dragged my hand.Who does she think she is? Calm down douma she's your meal! Act cool

"Anddd thats all! Did you like the villa-"



I stood still when a black haired male was running towards me while looking back so he fell


"Criminal! What r you doing here?!"

The black haired male looked at the girl and apologized before running past me.He's perfect.....Look i dont mean by eating him but he's utterly cute!

"Dont mind him douma he's-"

"What's his name?"

"Oh but why?"

I looked at her seriously and she jumped slightly

"He's hakuji..."

"Oh okay!Anyways....would you mind following me?"


I dragged her hand and she blushed hardcore.She dont know what's gonna happen to her.... i giggled slightly and she looked confused and walked to a dead end alley

"Why are we here douma-kun?"


"Oh! About that...."

Time skip

"Thank you for the meal!"

I finished eating the leg before walking away trying to find that hakuji boy i saw earlier

"Hmm...i wonder where he is..... oh its almost sunrise! Gotta go back to my cult now!"

I ran to the cult and entered my room with a pillow throne.Dont worry i already cleaned the blood off me! I was about to sit when a cult member came running to me

"Douma-sama! There is an intruder!"

An intruder? I walked to the place where she told me to go but then i saw him.I pretend not to know him and walked closer to him and he gritted his teeth


"Who do you think you are?"

He froze and i glared at him.I told the others to go back to their home except hakuji

"But douma-sama how about him?"

She pointed at hakuji and i glare at her and she bowed and walked away going back to her room and locked the cult door

"Come hakuji."

He looked at me with a suprised face.He's probably wondering how i know his name.I was getting annoyed tha he wasnt moving so what i ended up doing was carrying him over my shoulder


I hit him at the back of his neck and went inside my room and placed him on my soft bed.He was passed out and he looked dirty so i decided toooo clean him up......

I looked around for clothes that may fit him and found some.I carried him and cleaned him up and dressed him up before going to bed with him

My god he was perfect...

I dont think ill be able to do some smut chapters.... im not sure but im just out of ideas...

631 words

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