The Greatest Experience In Her Life

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The next day when Joanna woke up, she had a terrible headache from all the wine she had drunk last night. She didn't quite remember what happened, there were just small flashbacks of her dancing with Oberyn and then the conversation with her father, what happened later she couldn't remember.

Joanna kept her curtains closed, the light was hurting her. She felt like she had a dozen knives in her eyes, and as if someone had hit her head with a hammer. How much did she drink yesterday? She was one hundred percent sure that she wouldn't drink ever again.

She put her dress on with the help of her maid and styled her hair - her blonde hair was falling down her back and two front strands were tied together in the back. Her green dress matched her eyes, and the dress highlighted two emeralds embedded in her face.

Honestly, Joanna thought (and most importantly hoped) that the engagement was just a dream, but when she met Oberyn she was back in the cruel reality and wished to go back to her dreams where she was still a princess who wasn't promised to anyone. She'd rather die as an old virgin without kids and a husband. She didn't want her marriage to turn out the same as her parents'. She wanted to marry out of love and not out of obligation. At least if Oberyn wasn't too old for her, there were many men in Westeros of her age, or at least around her age. For example, the eldest son of Lord Stark of Winterfell. But no, she had to get an old dork from Dorne who himself had several almost grown-up daughters.

She didn't even eat breakfast. She was sick to her stomach and even though she had a terrible headache, she decided to go for a walk to get some fresh air, which she desperately needed. Maybe being outside, breathing the fresh air would do her good, who knows. She didn't want to go ask the Master to prepare something for her headache and nausea though. Her mother would probably find out and she'd get a lecture from her about how she shouldn't have drunk as much wine as she did last night.

With her hands clasped in the front of her dress, she walked through the corridors of the Red Keep, she was looking around, watching the maid running around, on the other hand, the royal guards stood almost at every step.

She had never visited Dorne in her life, she couldn't even imagine what it must have looked like there, but what she knew about this part of Westeros was that it was warm there and that it was the warmest territory in Westeros. Of course, she knew more about Dorne, but most of it was just historical events, their customs, traditions, and so on. She just couldn't imagine what their castles and palaces must have looked like. Whether they were more open spaces mostly closed. And maybe when the climate was warm there, their homes had to be open.

Joanna stopped in the courtyard and leaned against one of the pillars - her shoulder as well as her head. She believed that she'd stay here for another month, but when she'd get married... She didn't want to leave King's Landing. After all, it was her home where she grew up. The city grew close to her heart, which was quite understandable.

"Princess Joanna," said a familiar voice behind her. Joanna bit her lower lip and closed her eyes. She really wasn't in the mood to talk to Prince Oberyn.

The Baratheon princess turned to the Dornish prince with raised eyebrows. If she had smiled at him, perhaps her head would have hurt even more from the movement of her facial muscles.

"Good morning," she greeted him.

"Are you okay? You're a little pale," Oberyn smirked. He didn't even have to ask her what was wrong with her. He could imagine that the young princess was suffering from the effects of drinking. He could smell the wine from her as they danced together, but her sweet scent overcame it.

"I'm perfectly fine, thank you for your care," Joanna replied with a not entirely interested voice.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you."

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