The Forbidden Fruit

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Robert Baratheon wasn't idle and organized a tournament to celebrate the engagement of his eldest daughter. Joanna liked to have fun, but with her father throwing various parties and feasts, tournaments, and hunts, it meant that Oberyn Martell would be in King's Landing for a few more days.

As Joanna had promised herself, she avoided the Prince of Dorne. She was afraid that if they'd met, it wouldn't turn out really nice, because they'd probably jump into each other and a sharp exchange of opinions would begin, because she was in such a mood today. That she'd rather have a fight with someone.

But she made a promise to Jaime, and she couldn't break that promise. Although... Well, a person should never say never, right?

Oberyn was just fine with Joanna avoiding him, he couldn't imagine meeting her alone again and after even the slightest exchange of their opinions, he, being the biggest fool who acted as if he had never had experience with a woman before, would pounce on her like a hungry dog. That girl was forbidden fruit for him, but only until they were together. He knew that as soon as they were married, he'd be able to do whatever he wanted with her.

Oberyn was wrecked with longing for the woman he had known for only a few days. It was different with Joanna, though. He truly loved Ellaria. What he felt for Joanna was only desire, nothing more, nothing less. He needed to satisfy that desire somehow, he needed it to pass before he returned to his dearest Ellaria. He didn't want to think about anyone else while he was with his lover.

Joanna arrived at the gardens wearing a yellow dress, her hair loose as always. There was one of the garden parties before the tournament that was supposed to take place the following day. She began to look around among the guests as if she was looking for someone in particular. She just wanted to avoid that person, nothing more.

And when a young boy came to her with a tray full of glasses of wine, she reached for one glass almost immediately. Was she going to repeat the event of the feast that took place during the first day of the celebrations? It was quite possible.

Oberyn stood still, nodding to a certain lord, whose name and where he was from, he had long since forgotten. His eyes were fixed on the girl in the distance, with whom they unintentionally matched. She was wearing a dark yellow dress and he was wearing a tunic in the same shade.

"Excuse me," Oberyn spoke suddenly, leaving the lord who had kept him company until that moment. He went straight to Princess Joanna, to whom her mother managed to arrive in the meantime.

"Watch how much you will drink. We don't need another incident to happen," Cersei warned her daughter. Joanna didn't even look at her, she just sipped her wine and looked in one direction in front of her - at the figure that was slowly but surely approaching them.

"I won't do it, you don't have to worry, mother."

"I'm really afraid of that. You have been doing stupid things since he's been here," Cersei noted, her eyes fixed on the same person her daughter was looking at.

"You engaged me to him, I have to get to know him somehow," Joanna answered without the slightest interest. She also finished the rest of the wine in the glass and pressed it into her mother's hand. Before Cersei could answer her, or stop her, Joanna was already gone.

She approached one of the tables, where she reached for a bunch of grapes, from which she took a single grape. She slowly put it in her mouth, took a bite, and swallowed it. She was already reaching for another grape when she suddenly felt someone's hand on hers. Not someone's, but Oberyn's. Joanna took a deep breath and let him tear the grape from the rest. She didn't raise her head at him. She'd been avoiding him for days, and now... Now that effort to ignore him had backfired.

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