The Reconciliation

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The fact that they went to Braavos to leave everything bad in Westeros was suddenly a thing of the past. Because as much as Joanna avoided the bad, it suddenly caught up with her and it couldn't be avoided. One mistake made by Oberyn, and everything was ruined. And the worst part was that she felt like he didn't regret it at all.

She wanted to go back home. There was no point in staying there any longer when it was of no use. Well, the months they spent there were truly beautiful, and she would remember them fondly. They were her escape from reality in all the dark times that she had before. It benefited them both. However, everything had to come to an end. It might have occurred to her that this happiness would not last long.

And when she came to Oberyn saying that she wanted to return to Dorne, she didn't wait for any further dissuasions from him. He agreed to it. He didn't try to convince her. However, he was at least a little glad that she said something to him. Because Joanna refused to talk to him. He crossed the allowed limit and she had only one nerve. Just like she only had one heart, which he broke.

What good were his confessions of love to her, when he so skillfully destroyed everything in one evening? She was supposed to meet with Tylan as they had arranged the previous evening. She was already prepared to arrive at the agreed place. But she was too busy packing her things and checking on the maids to make sure they didn't forget anything there. She felt sorry that she had undoubtedly let him down like this. But she planned to write him a letter in which she would at least explain some of it to him. Or no. She would write him everything as it happened. She never paid much attention to her mouth and what she said in front of him. There was no point in keeping things from him. Tylan told her his secrets more than once. And she told him about them too.

Joanna hadn't said half a word since their exchange of opinions with Oberyn that morning. Except for her wish to leave. That was all she told him. And what she told him in the last week. Because she ignored him when they traveled home. On the ship, she deliberately slept in a different cabin and not with him. When he came to her because he wanted to talk, she ignored him again. She was not in the mood for him. She didn't want to see him or hear his excuses. He disgusted her.

Joanna preferred to shut herself in her cabin and not come out when it was not necessary. Or she was with Robert. She knew that if she went outside, Oberyn would be there waiting for her somewhere. He must have had a guilty conscience, otherwise he wouldn't have followed her so hard.

Alright, she slept with another man too, but it was a long time ago. And he was dead now, so there was no danger of her doing it again. And it wouldn't happen again because she was disgusted with herself and couldn't look at her own reflection in a mirror. But with him, she had the feeling that he did it on purpose to let her know how it felt.

And if it really was... it was childish. For being a grown man, he acted like a child in some ways. And she started to notice it only recently.

Oberyn was aware of it himself. And he scolded himself for it. It wasn't something he would normally do. But with Joanna, he felt like nothing was so ordinary. Not even his behavior for the last almost two years. Everything was different and reversed. Ever since they traveled back to Westeros, Oberyn hadn't gotten much sleep at night. He missed Joanna's presence. He wanted to talk to her again, but she refused to listen to him. However, he was not surprised. She had every right to be angry with him.

But Oberyn knew she needed her time. He was aware that it would soon pass. She had been angry with him so many times that he was more than sure that he would have her back within a week. Although he wasn't entirely sure if that would be the case this time. In this situation of theirs that arose between them. Because there was never a single time that she didn't talk to him because he cheated on her.

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