The Wanderings

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"So, you're telling me that you have fruit here that we don't have in King's Landing?" Joanna asked Oberyn in a tone of disbelief. Well, she didn't understand. She thought that everything was brought to King's Landing; various spices, seasonings, substances, fruits... and then she comes to Dorne and discovers that's definitely not true, and she was wrong.

Oberyn couldn't help himself and laughed. "Yes. Our climate here allows us to grow crops that cannot be grown elsewhere," he explained to his wife.

"I thought you would do some kind of business with them. I mean, why don't you import them to King's Landing, for example? Surely a lot of people would appreciate it."

Joanna seemed to catch him off guard with the question. Side by side they walked together in the marketplace, various scents wafted everywhere, such as the aroma of spices, alcohol, leather, and the background of it all was lavender. Joanna has had a sensitive nose for scents lately, everything seemed to be much more intense. Certain smells bothered her, some made her puke, and some did not.

She clung to Oberyn with her body, one arm wrapped around his waist, the other resting on her stomach. Oberyn had his palm resting on her shaft, his kind of signature touch when the two of them were together. The sun was blazing, Oberyn put away his tunic for today and chose instead a black waistcoat with golden suns embroidered on it. Joanna, on the other hand, was wearing a beige dress. Well... it couldn't really be called a dress, at least she couldn't call her clothes that. It was just a long piece of cloth that she was wearing - the cloth covered her breasts on both sides, but the neckline went down to her navel, where she had two crossed strings and where the skirt of this garment of hers began. Both of her legs were exposed by a slit. However, it covered everything it was supposed to cover. And above all, she was not warm in it.

With Oberyn by her side, as they walked the streets of Sunspear, she completely forgot what had happened two days ago. She completely forgot about the incident with Ellaria. And maybe it was better for her, she didn't want to burden herself unnecessarily and spoil her days with thoughts of Ellaria and her jealousy. It was pathetic. Not that she thought of that. It was rather pathetic how Ellaria was still trying to push her away from Oberyn, even though she knew it wasn't going to happen that easily.

"Okay, I have to admit that your question caught me by surprise," Oberyn broke the silence. "I do not even know why we have not penetrated a new market as you are asking me. But I will try to suggest it to my brother. It is questionable whether there would be interest in King's Landing."

"If I will like your fruit, I can write a letter to my father and try to convince him to give the nod to this business. But just to be sure, I would probably write one letter to Jon, his hand. The king would probably ignore it," Joanna acknowledged. Even Oberyn didn't have to tell her that her (not real) father would ignore her and focus instead on what he was still alive for... and it wasn't the throne and the crown. Jon Arryn might take her recommendation. At the very least, he would probably present her proposal to the Council, and they would either agree or not.

"I would have to talk to my brother first," Oberyn repeated his own words.

"Of course," Joanna finally agreed and shot a glance at one of the stalls standing on the street. The voices of the sellers were mixed into one, how they all shouted over each other and tried to get customers to have some gold in their pocket so they could buy themselves the things they needed to live with.

Oberyn directed his wife to one of the stalls, where Joanna could already see from a distance how various types of fruit were laid out on the counter, which she had only seen on the tables in the palace where they lived. She was skeptical about tasting them, she was afraid that she wouldn't like them, and she would throw up all the contents of her stomach. Some would say she was a picky eater, but the truth was different, wasn't it?

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