The Unexpected Visitor

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Just as Oberyn had told his brother that he'd go to King's Landing, he kept his word. The next morning he went there, to King's Landing. The journey took him days and when he got there he was so tired and spent one night in a public house in a richer part of the city. And in the morning, when he was full of strength, his path was more than clear - the Red Keep.

Joanna had no idea that Oberyn was on his way to King's Landing, and neither was her mother. Not even the king. Nobody didn't know it. Someone could say it was a surprise. Oberyn was an unexpected visitor who showed up at their home one morning.

Oberyn didn't immediately seek out his future wife, instead, he requested a meeting with Queen Cersei. She was the one who had written him that letter a few days ago, so it was understandable that he wanted to talk to her first. And while he was waiting for his queen in the gardens, he heard someone behind him who was definitely not Cersei.

"Our father has finally shown up in his full parade!" Jaime Lannister replied with amusement. Oberyn didn't take his words to heart, he turned to him with a smile on his face and ran his tongue along his bottom lip.

"Everyone here already knows? I thought your sister wanted to keep it a secret when she wanted the wedding to be as soon as possible," Oberyn narrowed his eyes at Jaime.

"You could say it's no secret. Walls have ears, rats talk, birds sing. It's only a matter of time before the rest of Westeros finds out and they start judging us all because you can't keep your dick in your pants."

Oberyn laughed and walked closer to Jaime. "Believe me, it was hard to keep the little one there. He wanted to fly out of my pants when he saw your niece, so I let him go. And when he came back later, he told me that he enjoyed the trip so much and would like to repeat it."

Jaime placed his hand on his sword, ready to use it at any moment. And when he slowly began to pull it out, Cersei appeared.

"Leave each other alone," she intervened verbally. Silently, but with a smirk on his face, Oberyn stepped away from Jaime. His hands were raised in a defensive stance.

The Dornish Prince winked at Jaime before looking at his twin sister. "Shall we?"

"Of course. Jaime, you can go," it was the Queen's order and not his sister's request. Oberyn gave the Kingslayer one more look but then went for his morning walk in the gardens with Cersei Lannister.

Cersei walked by Oberyn's side, her hair down and wearing an emerald green dress that accentuated her feminine curves. But she had circles under her eyes, obviously, she hadn't slept, Oberyn thought.

"Why didn't your brother come but sent you?" Cersei started first.

"Because I am his emissary and this is my wedding, not his. I proposed to him myself that I would go."


"The wedding will be sooner, Doran agreed. He actually insists that the wedding would be sooner. To be more precise," Oberyn explained to the queen. The conversations with Cersei were worse for him than anything else, it was literally an ordeal for him. He'd rather have his tongue ripped out with hot tongs than talk to her for several hours.

"I'm glad he agrees with it," Cersei smiled at him, but Oberyn knew it was far from a genuine smile. He rather turned his gaze elsewhere.

And so they walked on together deeper into the gardens, neither of them speaking again until they came to a stone railing that protected them from falling into the sea. Oberyn placed his palm on the cold wall and looked out to sea.

"How is she?" he spoke after a long moment of silence, broken only by birds singing in the distance. Yes, he could have gone to see Joanna himself at that moment, but he wanted to know from someone else how she was doing. He knew that Joanna wouldn't admit to him herself if something was bothering her. She'd rather keep it a secret, just so he wouldn't worry about it in any way... so he wouldn't worry about her.

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