Mark Me

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I see Masons eyes shift to red for a moment. I guess I excited Blaze when I said I wanted him to mark me.

"Are you sure Y/n?" I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me.

"Absolutely." He wastes no more time and kisses me harshly. He puts his hands on my waist feeling my sides. Then he holds the edge of my shirt slowly talking it off me. Once my shirt is off of me and I lay back down he brings his hands on my stomach and slowly moves them up to my chest. He squeezes my breasts through my bra making me moan. He takes that opportunity to force his tongue into my mouth. I break the kiss after a while so I can breathe again. However he doesn't ease up and starts kissing my cheek. He leaves a trail of kisses down to my neck leaving hickeys along the way. I can't help but let out small moans here and there. I go to grab his forearm when I noticed that he's still wearing his shirt. That's not fair. I tug at the end of his shirt to tell him I want it off. He understands and takes his shirt off and goes right back to assaulting my neck and collarbone. I bring my hands up and feel his bare chest and abs. Just then, Mason sucks on a specific part of my neck making me moan louder.

"I found it." He chuckles. Mason softly grazes his fangs in the same spot making me shiver. I keep anticipating when he will mark me but he just keeps teasing me instead by biting softly not breaking the skin.

"Mason... I can't take this anym- ah!" He bites me as I was whining at him. It hurt a little bit when he first broke the skin but now all I feel is pleasure. I can't help but let out a soft moan. He pulls away and looks at my neck with satisfaction. Now I'm looking at his neck and I crave to mark him back.

"Mason can I mark you?" I look up at him with desire and I see him looking the same way at me.

"Of course baby." He grabs my hips and turns us over so I am above him. I immediately go to his neck and start kissing and sucking around it to try to find his sweet spot. Eventually he lets out a soft groan and I know that I found it. I can't wait another second and sink my fangs into his neck. He groans louder this time and grips my hips tighter. When I pull my fangs out and look up at him and I see him already smiling at me. "I can already feel our bond getting stronger." He's right. It's not very strong right now but I can feel his emotions and how happy he is. Once you mark your mate it might take around twelve hours before you can fully feel the bond between each other.

"Me too." I say and smile back. He holds the back of my head and brings me closer to kiss him. I am completely focused on our kiss that I don't even hear the door open.

"Y/n, mom wanted me to- oooooh. I didn't think you had the guts to do this kind of thing at home Y/n." I sit up on Mason's lap and see Sabrina at the door smirking.

"Sabrina!" I yell at her. I can tell my whole face is turning red.

"Sorry to interrupt with what you were doing but mom wanted me to tell you that dinner is ready in ten minutes."

"Whatever! Just leave!"

"Ok, ok, ok." She giggles and closes the door. I automatically lay on Mason hiding my face in his chest.

"Great. She's never going to let this go." I mumbled to myself. All I can think about is all of the ways Sabrina will tease me about this later. Suddenly Mason takes one of my hands that was laying on his chest into his own hand. I look up at him and see him looking at my bruise again.

"It should heal in a couple of hours." He just rolls his eyes.

"That doesn't matter, he still hurt you. Who was he anyways? He was able to come into your room no problem." I sit up on his lap again so I can talk to him better.

"That was Aiden. He's the beta's son, so my family welcomes him and his dad in our home anytime. He uses it to his advantage..." I mumbled that last part but Mason still heard me.

"What do you mean by 'uses'?" He looks at me confused thinking this was the first time Aiden has tried this. But he quickly realizes that I did mean to say uses instead of used. "Y/n." He sits up and I'm basically straddling his lap now. "Has he done this to you before?" I didn't want him to know Aiden has been bothering me for years. I thought when I left with Mason I could just forget about it since I'll be in a different pack now. But with the way Mason is looking at me right now it's like he will be able to tell if I lie to him.

"I've been able to deal with it on my own and-." He doesn't let me finish and interrupts me.

"Y/n! That's not okay! I don't care if you can handle it! You need to tell your family!" My family? That's the whole reason why I haven't. I can't imagine telling them, my especially my dad and Xavier.

"But he's the beta's son and-" He interrupts I me again.

"I don't care! If Theo ever did something like that to you I'd kill him!" He closes his eyes and takes a breath to calm down a little bit but I could tell it barely helped. "Did he ever touch you inappropriadtely?"

"He's tried making moves on me but he never touched me in any private area." I am thankful for that, but it's not like he's never touched me. I can't count how many times he's looked me up and down or touched my thigh. Mason takes my hand and holds it.

"You need to tell your family, now."

"Can I tell them after dinner? I know my dad and Xavier will be pissed and I don't want to ruin dinner." I plead and he nods agreeing with me.

"Ok, let's go then." We both get up from the bed and put our tops back on. As we head into the dining room I check my sleeves and make sure that they are covering my wrists. The bruise is still there and I don't want them seeing it in the middle of dinner. We are about to enter the dinning room when my mom walks out of it.

"Oh! There you two are! I was about to come get you soon. Everyone is already at the table."

"Do you need help Luna Mackenzie?" Mason asks her. She just waves him off.

"Thank you for the offer but I just have one more thing to get, go have a seat." She walks back into the kitchen and we go into the dinning room. My dad is sitting at the head of the table. On his left is Sabrina, Xavier, and then Maya. Then Theo is sitting on the tow he side of my dad. There are two empty chairs next to Theo where I'm assuming Mason and I will sit. Then my mom will sit at the opposite end of the table from my dad. I am about to sit down next to my mom's seat when Mason pulls the chair out for me to sit in.

"Thank you." I smile at him. He pushes me in and sits down next to me and kisses my cheek.

"You're welcome." Before anyone could tease me about what just happened my mom walks back in with napkins, and the salt and pepper shakers.

"There, everything is ready." She sits down in her seat and we all start to serve ourselves. Well I tried at least. Mason kept on grabbing all the side dishes and asking me if I wanted any. If I said yes he would put some on my plate instead of letting me serve myself. Dinner was going well. We talked about Xavier's upcoming Alpha ceremony and they asked Mason basic questions like his likes and dislikes. While my dad is asking Mason about Alpha duties my arm itches so I pulled my sleeve down to itch it. I itch it for a second before I realized I just exposed my bruise. I quickly cover it up again and look around the table. It seems like no one noticed- oh shit. I make eye contact with Maya and she looks wide eyed and looks back at my now covered wrist. I decided to mind link her before anyone notices our change in mood.

"Maya! This isn't-"

"Did Mason hurt you?!" She interrupts me.

"No! No! No! Look, something happened but it wasn't Mason. I was going to tell everyone after dinner. Please don't say anything." I plead with her.

"Fine. But if you don't say anything once dinner ends I will." She gives me a look saying 'don't test me because I will' and I believe her. I just don't know how to bring it up with my family. Soon enough dinner ends and everyone is about to start cleaning the table. I can't help but fidget with my fingers as I get more nervous. Mason takes one of my hands and squeezes it reassuring me that it will be okay. I take a deep breath, to relax a little. It's okay, I got this.

"Can... Can I talk to everyone before you all leave the dinner table?" My dad speaks up first.

"Of course sweetie. Let's clean the dinner table and put everything away first and then we can talk."

"Ok." I agreed with my dad and everyone helped clean and put away leftovers. Once we were done everyone sits back in their seats waiting for me to talk. I guess it's now or never.

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