Chapter 9: ERIS & ALBA

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After having watched Alba make out with her fiancé for way too long, Eris quickly headed for the library in Helion's castle to pick up a book before going to the dining room to tell his mother that he was leaving.

But he only came to find the High Lord of Day when he entered the room, which drew a long and annoyed sigh from him.
"Where is my mother?" he queried without a form of salvation. Helion lifted his head from a stack of papers, narrowed his eyes and let them trail over the High Lord of Autumn.
"I see you have returned," he said, momentarily ignoring Eris' question. Eris grew impatient and tapped his foot on the floor. "Yes, we are. Where is my mother?"

"Did you stay over night? In the Night Court?"

Hell, could he just answer his questions?

"Yes, we did. Now, can you answer my question?" Eris was fuming by the time he braced his hands on the table in front of Helion. He glowered down at the sitting High Lord who wore an amused smile on his lips.

"She is in the garden with Elain, I believe. At least that was where she said she was going."

Eris huffed. He did not want to go searching for her now, but still wanted to say goodbye to her. He would not see her in a long time as he was definitely not planning on returning here anytime soon.

As if the High Lord of Day could read his mind, the tall male stood in one swift movement and patted Eris on the shoulder. "I actually wanted to catch some fresh air. I will look for her and tell her to come inside and meet you in the dining room, High Lord."

Eris bowed his head in thanks and took a seat when Helion headed out. He nervously tapped his finger on the table when the door behind him opened. That was fast, he thought.

And when he turned around, he groaned again.
"Lucien," he stated. His younger brother strutted towards him, a cornstalk in his hand.

"I hoped to find you before you leave," Lucien said with a small smile on his lips. He approached the High Lord and Eris solely furrowed his brows. Gods, Lucien radiated happiness and sunshine—it annoyed Eris. He knew he should be happy for him, but all he felt in that moment was annoyance and jealousy. In shame Eris lowered his head and glared at the tiles on the floor.

"What's up with you?" Chewing on the cornstalk, Lucien casually leaned against the table his brother was currently sitting at. "Nothing," Eris snapped, not lifting his gaze. Lucien snorted, "Right."

"Don't bother me. How is that mate of yours doing? And my niece? Haven't seen her in a while."

Lucien's mouth formed a smile. "She is doing great. Both of them are," he said and smiled from ear to ear.

For a moment Eris's heart warmed at his brother's happiness, still a kernel of jealousy bloomed in his chest. The previous night with Alba had been...magnificent. It was all he had ever dreamt of. All he had ever imagined, in the dead of night with his hand wrapped around his—

"What is going on between Alba and you?" Lucien interrupted Eris's traitorous thoughts.

"Nothing. She is a pain in the neck and should stop bothering me."

"Makes sense that you slept with her then."

Eris gaped, then swallowed audibly and tried to hide his stupor.

Mother and Cauldron. How the hell did Lucien know? He was a clever fox indeed. The question was quickly answered. "Your scent is all over her according to Elain and her scent is all over you according You are a lucky fool that her husband is an oblivious bastard and did not catch on."

Fuck. Right, Alba's fiancé whom she had betrayed with Eris. That was bad...really bad. But on the other hand....Eris felt somehow proud. Alba still chose him, despite being engaged.

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