Chapter 13: ERIS

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The High Lord of Autumn couldn't stand it—he couldn't stand the pitiful look on his mother's face when he turned around. Shame coated his insides, made the back of his mouth taste bitter. He was embarrassed about himself, and regretted having said something. He hated himself for it. For what he had done to Alba by saying those things. He hated that he hurt her, that he had made her say those things.

You can go to hell, Eris Vanserra. You ruined everything. You Those words pierced his brain and Eris knew that they would haunt him for the rest of his life. He had destroyed her. He knew Karzine would hurt her for what she had done. If only he could find him before he found her and—

He had do act, he had to protect her from him. But what if Alba rather wanted to be protected from Eris. What if this was now really the end and they would never be able to make up? They would not...

That had probably been the last they had spoken.

"Eris, please, tell me that is not true?" Eris' mother breathed, her slim fingers curling around Eris' upper arm. Her son met her gaze and clenched his jaw. He clenched his jaw, his gaze lowered to the ground.

"Oh, Eris." His mother shook her head and turned to her mate, regret laced Helion's features.

"You knew?" she expressed, incredulous. Helion lowered his gaze to the ground and eventually dipped his chin. Eris' mother released a noise of disbelief and surprise. She couldn't believe it that no one —not even her mate— had filled her in. She shook her head and turned around in the room.

"Leave, all of you, leave. Lucien and Elain stay, the rest leave!"

Eris swallowed once again, wiped his hands over his thighs, fixed his cuffs and lifted his gaze. There was one last thing he had to do before he left.

"Think of me what you want—the worst if you wish. But don't blame anything on Alba. Don't treat her differently now. She is good, a good and kind female, it was me who tried to pursue her. I wanted her, she is not to blame in this," Eris said and brushed his hands over his shirt. "I will leave now. I think it is better if I return to the Autumn Court and don't come here for a while. I hope everything calms down."

His lower lip started to quaver and the last thing Eris wanted to do was cry in front of them all—the last thing he wanted to do was cry. A High Lord did not cry and most definitely not because of a female.

Eris lifted his hand to wave them good bye but it was Elain who stepped forward, quickly made her way to her brother-in-law and wrapped her arms around his middle. She embraced him tightly, face pressed against his chest and inhaled deeply. Eris shuddered, his chest heaving against Elain's face.  "If you need anyone, Lu and I are always here for you. You can come and talk. You can stay now and we talk. I don't want you to be alone now," Elain breathed, tilting her head back and trying to search Eris's gaze. She took a step back when Lucien came up to them and clasped his brother's shoulder tightly in his hand.

Eris throat started to burn, tears slowly creeping into his eyes. He shook his head and clenched his jaw. "I am fine, but thank you. Have a good day," he said tightly, slipped his arm out of Lucien's hold and brushed his hand over Elain's head. He gave a small yet warm smile.

"You two really are a beautiful couple and I am grateful that you are my family. My brother is very lucky to have you as his mate, Elain." With that the High Lord turned on his heel, headed out of the room and vanished—winnowed. He had not even waited for an answer.

He landed in the Autumn Court, already starting to unbutton the top most buttons of his jacket. He was angry, sad, embarrassed and felt terribly violent.

He had hurt Alba, but she had humiliated him. She could have taken his side, she could have finally stood up against her fiancé. She could have thanked Eris for stepping in. But she chose to tell him to go to hell. She chose to hurt him. As he had hurt her.

The door to the Forest House slammed open and Eris marched inside. Some of the sentries shuddered, bodies pressed against the walls when Eris power stretched out and settled over the people like a dark cloud of rage and violence.

He did not pay anyone attention, solely hurdled past them. The sentries sank into themselves, Eris' behaviour in that moment so much like how his father's had used to be.

"Where is Geras?" Eris asked his younger brother Zen when he appeared in front of him. The startled look on Zen's face only angered Eris more. "I don't know...I think he is in the dining room or so," Zen said and walked up to his brother. "Are you alright?"
"Do I look alright?" Eris said, his voice more like shouting. Zen took a step back—he knew what his brother would be capable of.

"What is up?" Zen questioned nevertheless. Eris glowered at him and then shoved him out of his way. "Don't pretend that you care."
"But I do care. You are my brother," Zen argued, knowing he was walking on thin ice.

"Alright, then be a good brother, find Geras and let's get drunk."

Zen only reluctantly agreed, but when he met his brother's glare he hurdled out of the room in search for his older brother Geras.

Eris made his way over to the cabinet which held his favourite bottles of wine in it. He took a few of them out and placed them on the table. Fury and anguish collided in his gut, making his stomach twist and his throat burn once again. He uncorked the first bottle and took a big gulp, then he stripped out of his jacket. He didn't give a fuck that the sentries passed him with wary looks on their faces. Some grimaced, some silently gasped. He ushered them all out of the room, wanting to be fully alone. Safe for his brothers. Eris gulped down the rest of the first bottle, wine went everywhere when his thoughts once again jumped to Alba.

Would she right now once again have make-up sex with Karzine? He could imagine it. And he could also imagine that Karzine was hurting her—that thought nearly killed him. He should have stayed. He should have dealt with Karzine. He should have talked to Alba. He should have taken her out of that court. But it was not what Alba wanted—she had made that pretty clear. That thought completely tore the High Lord's heart apart. He wanted to forget, to escape reality just a for a short time. And what better way to do this than with liquor and wine?

Soon Zen returned with his older brother in tow, both cringing of the sight of their older brother—the High Lord. Eris was already through his second bottle of wine, neglecting that the red liquid was already dripping down the side of his mouth, down his neck and spoiling his white shirt. His brown jacket he had discarded somewhere in the room.

"Do we ask what has happened?" Geras questioned silently, still Eris had heard him.

"Females are terrible and I want to get drunk. No more questions, just drinking," Eris slurred, when shoving a bottle of wine to his brothers. They took their seats, Geras taking a sip out of the bottle after Zen.

"You aren't such a wuss otherwise, Geras. Grab a bottle yourself and drink!" Eris snapped. He already uncorked his third bottle by then.

"Is this about the Second-in-Command of Helion? Your mate?" Zen who suddenly had to be a confident bastard asked.

Eris' nostrils flared and his gaze snapped to his younger brother. "If I hear her name one more fucking time, I will do unspeakable things, Zen!" he threatened, but obviously Zen had to push further. He had always been the most empathetic one of the brothers—safe for Lucien.

"She is your mate, we all have gotten that by now. Eris, you can—"
"Shut up! Both of you, fuckers. I am out here," Eris shouted, getting up and tumbling towards the table. Immediately both Geras and Zen stood, Geras steadying his brother.

"You cannot leave. You are the High Lord. They cannot see you like that," Geras cautioned and Eris wondered where his brother's rationality had been the past years.

"I don't give a fuck!" With that Eris grabbed his bottle of wine and winnowed. Obviously influenced by the wine he was unfocused while winnowing.

His head hit the ground first, then his whole bodyweight came crashing down on him.

He had face-planted the ground, pine needles and pebbles feeling harsh against his cheek. His legs ached, having been ripped open by branches. Eris decided he did not care. He rolled over and—Holy Cauldron and Mother!

Something pierced his right leg and there was quite some pain in his left one as well. His vision blurred, pain making him delirious and then sweep oblivion came sweeping in.

Eris Vanserra | Ignis Aurum ✓Where stories live. Discover now