Chapter 10: ERIS & ALBA

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Everyone was so happy. Everyone except for the High Lord himself was so happy.

Eris waddled through the crowded corridors of the Forest house, greeting his people who smiled at him and cheered. People were already drinking, dancing and chatting. He headed for his throne room, wanting to avoid any silly conversations he was anyways not interested in. Hopefully his youngest brother, his mate and their daughter would soon show up and take his mind off all those shitty things.

Geras was already swaying with some Nymph in the corner of the room. He already looked like he had one glass of liquor too many, but Eris couldn't care less. It was his life and if he wanted to waste it in such a way he would not interfere.

A kernel of jealousy still settled into chest when he watched all the happy couples with their children, enjoying the music, laughing, dancing and—

"Uncle Eris!" The tiny girl's voice reached the High Lord's ears and with a grin on his face he immediately reached down and lifted the young girl with the fiery-red hair onto his lap. He grinned at his niece who mirrored his facial expression.

"I picked that one for you," Dalia beamed and wiggled a poppy in front of her uncle's face. "Looks like your hair."

To that Eris had to laugh loudly, his chest warming and his heart swelling. Yes, his family could make him happy.

"Thank you so much, Dalia," he told her, wanting to take the poppy out of her hand.

Dalia quickly swatted his hand away and reached forward to put the flower behind his pointed ear.

She wore a delighted yet slightly wicked grin on her lips when she was done with her job. "It has to go there. With your crown."

Internally cringing at how silly he had to look—he was a High Lord with a crown and now a poppy in his hair— Eris nodded at Dalia and smiled brightly. Yeah, he would never not do anything his little niece told him to or wanted. She was just too precious and he would not be able to stand the sad look on her face if he said no. So wearing a poppy behind his ear was going to be the look of the night.

"There you are, sweetie, you cannot just run around without telling us where you are going. Your mummy and daddy are worried." Eris heard his sister-in-law's reprimanding voice and glimpsed over his shoulder at his nearing family. More people had already arrived, dancing, chatting and drinking.

The moment Elain's eyes landed on the poppy she bursted into a giggling fit and even had to grab her mate's arm to steady herself so she would not double over with laughter. Biting down on his lip, Lucien tried to stop himself from laughing which he failed to do. When he calmed down he nudged his mate's ribs with his elbow and finally also Elain could calm down...a bit at least. She breathed another laugh and then bit down on her lip.

"It suits you, brother-in-law. Brings out the colour of your eyes and matches your suit perfectly. You look dashing," Elain beamed, walking up to the High Lord and kissed both his cheeks.

"Thank you, Elain," Eris expressed and rolled his eyes at his sister-in-law who once again started to chuckle. Eris had to snicker too, his niece happily smiling from ear to ear.

"How are you? Lu, has told me a bit about what is going on in your life and...are you alright?" Elain asked with a calm voice, bracing her hand on the armrest of his throne.

Eris understood that the question was well meant and that Elain was just trying to be kind, but he did not want to talk about it. Not now and not in the future. He wanted to forget Alba. He wanted to forget what they could have. He just wanted to...erase her from his mind and life and try to find love in some other way, with some other female.

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