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"Alba?" Cassian questioned, raising his brow at the Day Court female and the crown on her head. Biting down on her lip, Alba averted his gaze from the Illyrian male and quickly met Helion's encouraging smile.

"Lord of Bloodshed, I wish you would address my mate with her proper title. Lady Alba is the High Lady of the Autumn Court and will from now on be addressed as such. Unless she wishes otherwise."

Alba's heart warmed at that, the corners of her mouth tipping upwards. She quickly grabbed her mate's hand, squeezing it tightly. "It is fine. But thank you," she whispered, leaning over and pecking her mate's cheek.

"High Lady? I thought you were Helion's Second-in-Command?" Mor commented and raised her brow. Alba could spot a muscle in her jaw flex and knew that Mor was not at all happy with her and Eris' union. A part of her couldn't blame the blond the Night Court female, but anohter part felt really disappointed.

"Well, Morrigan, it still hurts my heart that my Second-in-Command has left her place on my right side, but I couldn't be more happy that she now is with her mate. And that she is a High Lady," Helion said and flashed Alba a warm smile. She had to grin in return, knowing that Helion had really meant it.

Her and High Lord of Day had talked for a long time, it hadn't been easy for Alba to leave her position, the Day Court and Helion. But the High Lord understood, would never be in her way and wanted to see her thrive and become a High Lady more than anyone else. Over and over again had he assured her that she was going to be a great High Lady. And his now Second-in-Command was Lucien, his son. It was perfect the way it was.

Finally Eris and Alba sat and it was Tamlin who raised his glass first. "Congratulations to your mating bond and to the new High Lady of the Autumn Court. I believe only good things will stem from this union," he said, and took a sip from his drink. Eris bowed his head at the High Lord of Spring in thanks. Alba did too, smiling.

It was Cassian who snorted and shook his head but Alba pinned him with a look that made his knees shudder. Alba did not know if Cassian had snorted about Tamlin's announcement or her and Eris union but just the faint idea of anyone making fun of her mate or her love for her mate was enough for her to want to bring violence upon this person who had made fun.

Cassian lifted his hands in a defensive manner and then also picked up his glass. "Congratulations on the mating bond, Alba—excuse me— High Lady of the Autumn Court."

Alba smiled, ignored the sarcasm in his voice and dipped her chin at the Lord of Bloodshed. The other High Lords and people present followed suit, lifting their glasses, congratulation the couple. Even Azriel lifted his glass, which surprised Alba quite a lot. Only Mor said nothing and did nothing.

Alba made a mental note to contact her at some point in the future, she wanted to get this out of the way—they had been friends for many decades. At least she wanted to talk to Mor about it.

"I think we shall start the meeting then." It was Thesan who much to Alba's comfort broke the awkward silence that had stretched out after the congratulations. Everyone agreed and so the meeting started.

"I believe one armada from the Summer Court would be enough," Alba said, her finger trailing over the shore of said court on the map in front of her. Someone nudged her ribs —Helion— and said, "Spoken like a true High Lady." Alba had to grin, leaning onto her former High Lord. Helion braced his hands on the table and leaned over the map to examine it. He momentarily smiled at his former Second-in-Command over his shoulder.

"I miss you," she whispered, but soon had and arm wrapped around her waist and was pulled to a warm solid chest.

A low growl behind her ear made her toes curl in her heels. "Precious, you know how territorial I am. Don't make me spread you out on the table in front of all the High Lords and make me show them who you belong to. Whose name you scream every night."

Alba shuddered, every hair on her body standing when she leaned back against her mate.
"So territorial, my lord," she purred, covering her mate's body with hers so she could secretly slide her hand down to his proud length. He strained against his breeches and gods, she ached for him.

"And so aroused."

Eris chuckled lowly behind her and removed her hand from his front.
"Not now, sweetheart. Later you get what you ache for. Now you have to behave," Eris drawled and brushed his lips over Alba's ear. Alba lifted her eyes, glancing at the High Lords present who were all deep in conversation. Helion was chortling slightly but now engaged in a conversation with Lucien.
Alba turned to her mate, grinned and pecked his jaw. "Will I get a reward then? For behaving," she whispered and Eris had to grin, his hands coming to rest on Alba's hips.

"You definitely will. Maybe we can fulfill one of your many fantasies here tonight."

Alba's grin only widened and she dipped her chin before turning her attention back to the map.

"High Lord of Summer, what do you think about sending an armada? The Autumn Court soldiers would of course support your sailors on their ships?"
"It is a great idea, Lady Alba. We will do that," Tarquin said and Alba felt a rumble of pride reach her through he bond.

"My mate is truly the smartest person I have ever met and the best High Lady in the whole of Prythian," Eris said. Helion clasped his step-son's shoulder and smiled. "That she truly is."

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