Chapter 11: ERIS

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And so the weeks passed and Autumn had taken its course. And the High Lord of Autumn had once again arrived. At the Day Court. Now that more ships started habouring on the shores of several courts there started discussion about possible measures that may needed to be taken.

Eris was not keen on coming here, but it was better than having the High Lord of Day in his court. Eris had arrived with an entourage, a group of ten people who he had now surrounded himself with and whom he finally could fully trust.

They followed him into the palace, Eris strutting at the front.

In the past weeks he had taken Lucien's suggestion into consideration and had indeed mingled quite a bit. Yet he was never fully satisfied—none of the females could only in the slightest bit compare to Alba. She was still everything he could think about, still every rational and every irrational thought went to her and his heart still ached when only thinking about her and what they could have had but what would never be.

"Good afternoon," Eris greeted upon stepping inside the big meeting room where his mother, Helion, Lucien and Elain along some of Helion's advisors were already sitting around a table. The chair on Helion's right side was empty, meaning Alba was not yet here.

"Good morning, my son," his mother said with a big grin on her lips. "Finally. We haven't seen you in over a month." Eris waved his hand through the air and chuckled. He first greeted Elain, then Lucien, kissed his mother's cheek and shook Helion's hand. Then he claimed the chair across from Helion, some of his people following the other staying behind.

Helion offered Eris something to drink which the High Lord of Autumn politely declined, getting impatient about when the meeting would start. Obviously they were waiting for Alba. This female really was a pain in the neck.

"You said Alba will be here shortly, right, Elain?" Helion said, his gaze moving to his daughter-in-law. Elain nipped from her glass and then nodded her head.

"Yes, she told me that they would return from the war camps just after lunch and in time for the meeting," Elain informed them. Her gaze briefly met Eris', but he looked away, not being able to stand the pity that glowed in her eyes. He was no one to be pitied, why did everyone think that the night with Alba had destroyed his heart or something?

"Luckily I have time," Eris grumbled and leaned back in his chair. His mother asked him how the Autumn Court was doing. He shrugged his shoulder and inhaled deeply. "Good I guess. The Autumn Equinox was a big success, the people really enjoyed it. A now everything is going really well," he said and the former Lady of the Autumn Court smiled. "And I also decided to do some things differently concerning the infrastructure, but—"
"Sorry for being late. We got hold up and then my brother really wanted to see me and this also then took forever. But now I am here, I hope you haven't been waiting for too long."
Eris could only turn around and stare at the arriving female. In the weeks of his absence he had nearly forgotten how beautiful she was. Alba was exquisite, magnificent and breathtaking. The light golden dress she wore perfectly fitted her tanned skin, her unruly brown curls were bound into a bun on top of her head, golden hoops through her ears completed her look—she looked like a goddess.

Eris' throat constricted and he gasped, audibly or not he did not care. All he cared about was the tug on his chest, the ache in his heart and longing inside all of his body parts.

Alba strutted into the room, her gaze meeting Eris' and halting. She locked her gaze with his and there was something in her eyes. Eris could not quite place it. It was a mix of many things. Pain. Longing. Regret. Sorrow.

He held her gaze and only removed it when an arm curled around the female's shoulder. She hadn't arrived alone. Lord Karzine was with her.

Eris swallowed the rising jealousy that had collided with pain inside of him. He felt so angry, his fingers curling towards his palms and his throat started to burn.

Eris Vanserra | Ignis Aurum ✓Where stories live. Discover now