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The sky is gray and dark. Rain splatters down on the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A stingingly cold wind sweeps up around the castle and through the many corridors. You (Y/N) run through the halls heading towards the large door marked "Divination" Your hands are clamped around your books and you are pressing the many planetary scrolls you need for class tightly to your chest, so as not to drop one. Finally you skid around the corner and turn to face the door to Divination. You open the door frantically and fling yourself inside. The warmth of Professor Trillani's classroom hits you like a severe heat wave. The smell of flowers and scented smoke fills your head. You find all eyes on you including a boy named Cedric Diggory's. His eyes are light blue with a hint of green in the irises. Your eyes lock with him, and your heart jumps a bit, before you look away.

"Please, please, Y/N please sit down now dear." Trillani suggests.

You swallow and quickly find your way into your red and gold beanbag. You set your scrolls down on the puffy, many colored carpet. You wipe a bit of sweat away from above your brow. You glance sideways at Cedric and see a bright smile plastered on his symmetrical features, just like always. Slowly his smile fades slightly as he turns towards you. Darn it! What am I doing??? He waves and grins good naturedly at you. You frown, and look away. You have only spoken to Cedric a couple times, but each time you felt a weird shift in your gut. And every time, he had been the most friendly guy anyone could ask to talk to.

"Alright, today my darlings, we'll be learning about how this week I felt Pluto slide to the left in our solar system. As we all know, that bodes a fate for you all to predict. Bring your finished scrolls back to me on Friday, children." Trillani whispers.

You chuckle lightly about how absurd this class is but you open up your Map of the Universe scroll and begin to trace the current movement of Pluto on your paper. An hour later, all the students are overheating and feeling dizzy from the scented smoke. You have written three detailed descriptions of possibilities of the movement of Pluto, along with having drawn ten long lines connecting your research.

"Good day, dears. I'll see you all back on Friday to receive your papers!" Trillani finally calls out. You release a breath heavily and stand up, holding your scrolls. How am I EVER going to finish this stupid work?  You wonder. I'm terrible at reading the future with stars and signs. You rush out of the classroom along with the rest of the students and start to walk down the corridor for lunch when you hear footsteps behind you. You turn around to see Diggory jogging down the hall towards you.

"Hey!" He calls out.

Uh oh, is he talking to me? You think. Your heart is beating faster.

"Hey Y/N!! Wait up!"

Yup, he's talking to me. A moment later you feel his warm hand on your shoulder. His touch sends shivers down your spine. You turn around and avoid meeting his shining eyes.

"Hi," Cedric smiles, showing his perfect teeth. His soft brown bangs flutter in the wind.

"Um, hi," You respond.

"Good Divination class?" He asks.

"Sure, it was... nice." You say.

"Yeah, Divination isn't my favorite class either." He chuckles again. You laugh awkwardly.

There's a silence in which you fiddle with your fingers.

"I have to go... it's lunchtime. Sorry." You look to the ground. You begin to walk off and feel a sad pang in your heart.

"Wait! Why don't you come sit at the Hufflepuff table with me today?" Cedric proposes.

You smile a bit and realize with a relieved feeling that you didn't want to leave Cedric's presence. YES please! Always! You want to say. But instead you respond:

"Um, sure, I'd like that."

Cedric grins and comes up to walk right next to you. You walk together and you silently glance down and realize how close your hands are. You can't help but wonder how your hand would feel intertwined with his. Suddenly you feel your hands brush against each other. Your heart leaps into your throat and you feel all squirmy inside.

You look up at Cedric to see his smiling face as usual. Then he looks down at you and smiles even wider. You again look away and take a step sideways so as to avoid almost having another heart attack.

You see Cedric's face fall a bit and immediately feel guilty.

When you finally reach the Great Hall, Cedric leads you over to the Hufflepuff table and takes a seat next to you. You eat lunch together and you try to avoid slurping your soup and chewing too loud. You try to remind yourself that the reason wasn't because of Cedric, but that you were just trying to have better manners today. You and Cedric enjoy talking and telling ridiculous jokes to one another for the entire lunch hour. You laugh more than you have for a long time.

After lunch you are walking with Cedric to your next class when he turns to you,

"Hey, would you like to eat dinner tonight? With me?" He asks. Your heart skips a beat and you nod.

"Yes. Thank you Cedric." You say, hiding a smile.

"Anytime! We should spend more time together Y/N. You're cool!" Your heart flutters.


"I gotta go to potions now, bye Y/N!" Cedric calls as he jogs down a flight of stares.

Darn it! You think, I don't have potions today! 

Cedric Diggory: Spinning in CirlcesWhere stories live. Discover now