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Your eyes barely skim over the words written on the pages as you read. Your mind ventures to crazy conclusions of what Cedric's surprise would be.

The rest of the day flies past in a bit of a blur. You go back to your dorm, continue your book, take a walk, listen to muggle music, take a nap, sketch and even whip out your old diary that you got for your eleventh birthday to write a bit. Then for the last half an hour you lay down and stare at the ceiling and check your watch every few minutes. Finally you get up and change into a pink sweater. You let your hair down and walk out of your dorm two minutes early. The sky is darkening and you shiver. The halls are empty and dark, your footsteps are the only echoing noise breaking the almost eerie silence. You turn a corner at a faster walk and head down a flight of stairs. Then you skid to a stop at the door to Charms and look around.

"Cedric?" You call, your voice echoing again. You begin to worry.

"I'm here." He comes out of the dark behind you and wraps his hands around your neck, resting them above your collarbone. You jump with fright and hug him back, playfully batting his chest.

"You scared me!" He chuckles his soft eyes looking still as a lake on a windless day. You tilt your head.

"So, what was your surprise?" You ask your voice quieter this time. His smile fades ever so slightly and a more serious look comes across his face.

"Oh, yeah."

"What... were you just gonna scare me half to death?" His gray eyes connect with yours and you shiver.

"Are you cold?" He asks, sounding concerned.

"Sort of." You say, shivering again. He looks to the ground and takes off his preheated coat and drapes it around your shoulders. You snuggle into it and sit down on a bench across from Cedric.

"So..." you prod, "You wanted to tell me something."

"Y/N," He comes forward to rest his hand on your shoulder, "I need a partner for the Christmas Ball. Would you like to go with me?" Your face melts into a grateful smile.

"Yes! Yes of course." You cover your mouth and nod as enthusiastically as you can. Cedric smiles his heartthrob, perfect smile. Then he comes forward and wraps in a tight hug.

"I do love you Y/N." He whispers in your ear. You close your eyes and feel his arms squeeze you into his warm chest.

So this is what bliss feels like! You think. Then Cedric pulls away and gently rubs your face with the back of his hand. You swear that he can feel your cheeks heat up at his touch.

"How was spending time with Amos today?" You ask as you both link hands and begin walking back up to the dorms.

"It was great to see him again... but I was distracted thinking of you." He confesses. Your heart feels about to explode.

"Hehe," You laugh awkwardly and Cedric looks down at you looking concerned.

"Am I making you uncomfortable confessing?" He asks gently.

"No! This is just mainly my first time as a girlfriend." You smile slightly at the corners of your lips. Cedric chuckles and squeezes your hand softly. You sink into this blissful feeling.

Only once you are by Cedric's dorm do you let him go reluctantly.

"Sleep well Y/N." He reminds you.

"You too." You say before softly closing the door behind Cedric and skipping away down the hall.

"HEY WAIT! Y/N!" You hear a colder voice than possible for Cedric to manage and turn around to see Draco standing outside the doorway of the boys' Slytherin dorms.

"What do you want?" You ask disdainfully.

"What, it's not good to see me Y/N?" He smirks. You roll your eyes and start down the hallway on the way to your dorm. You hear Malfoy snicker behind you.

"You know Y/N I don't think Cedric likes you." He ads, making you turn around.

"You're crazy." You remind him, "He just told me he loves me."

"How do you know he's not lying to use you?"

"He's not." You say trying to be confident, "That's not Cedric, he's brave, kind and he's nothing like YOU." Malfoy narrows his eyes.

"Fine, I was just trying to warn you, don't be broken when it ends." He says sharply before turning around and reentering the dorm. You frown. I don't believe Malfoy, he's just a liar. Cedric's nothing like him! You think fiercely. Then you spin on your heel and fast walk back to your dorm. You lay down in your bed and think for a while, knowing Draco is wrong. Slowly you fall asleep thinking about Cedric.

The next morning, you meet Cedric in the Hufflepuff common room. He looks surprised when you walk in the door, cross the room to his side, and begin playing with his hair.

"Um, are you feeling alright Y/N?" He asks with a sly smile. You shake your head.

"I'm feeling more than alright!" You smile, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Oh good, you're just not acting like your usual self." He looks at you, raising his eyebrows.

"Hehe," You laugh awkwardly, "sorry?" He tilts his head at you and smiles,

"Don't be, I like this." He chuckles and pulls you into his chest. You blush as Cedric, light as a feather, brushes some hair out of your eyes.

"Good morning." He says, rubbing his cheek on your shoulder, "Thank you for being in my life." Your face redens, and you can't help but smile widely.

"Me too." You sit there in his arms breathing in his scent for a while.

"Have you had breakfast yet Y/N?" Cedric asks, suddenly checking the clock.

"No. I wanted to see you." You say, he chuckles.

"Okay, let's go." He heaves, picking you up and twirling you around, his hands wrapped tightly around your waist. You squeal in surprise and when he sets you steadily down again your head and your heart Spinning in Circles.

"Sorry." He smiles, "Are you feeling dizzy?"

"No, not really." You breathe. He looks a bit relieved. Then Cedric takes your hand and walks you out of the Hufflepuff common room slowly. As you're walking to the great hall, Cedric leans down and gently kisses you on the cheek. You blink rapidly and you go even more crimson than before, your heart practically about to explode. You rapidly look up at Cedric and his cheeks are also flushing.

"Sorry, you look so pretty." He says, looking at you guiltily like a puppy who had done something bad. You shake your head and smile.

"No." You whisper, "That felt... nice." You hear Cedric release a heavy breath in relief.

"Were you planning to go anywhere or do anything today?" He asks, squeezing your hand.

"No, nothing but hang out with you... if that's okay." You say, biting your lip. Ced nods, his soft hair bouncing.

"I'd love that." He admits smiling widely, "Would you mind coming to my dorm after this Y/N?"

"Certainly. I would like to go with you." You grin.

"Do you enjoy dancing?" Cedric asks.

"Yes, but I'm not awfully good." You laugh. Just then he takes your hands in his and twirls you around like you're already at the Winter Ball.

"Whoa!" You giggle as he swings you into his arms gracefully.

"Nope, you're good. Y/N, don't underestimate yourself." He reminds you, a smile trying at his perfect lips. Then Cedric takes you again and spins you all the way to the great hall. 

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