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"Alvero, you just met me." You whisper as his face gets so close you can feel his breath on your lips and his nose brushing your cheek. 

"I tend to move fast, darling." 

You're cheeks grow hot, "I-I'm um, seeing someone." Your voice trembles, but you feel yourself gaining confidence as you think about how Cedric had taken you back once before. What if he didn't again? You can't bear that thought. You take a deep breath and move your hand to Alvero's chest to push him gently away. He doesn't budge. 

"Y/N." He says coldly. "Who is it?" His eyes darken under his thick lashes. 

"Cedric Diggory." You say, looking away. 

"Huh, alright, I'm better than him." Alvero smirks. You sigh and turn around to walk away. However before you can make it anywhere he grabs your wrist and flips you around to look at him. 

"I won't let you go that easily." 

He holds your face inches away from him. His eyes dart down to your lips. Then he moves forward, his lips gently brush against yours and the movement sends shivers down your spine. He presses harder, pushing you against the wall of the corridor. His lips glide over yours,  they move over your jaw and up your cheek. Images of Draco flash through your head. 

"No!" You yell suddenly, you slip from his grasp and run down the hallway away from him. Your cheeks burning. You run until your sides ache and your breath isn't coming anymore. You push open the door to Cedric's dorm. And search for his room. You find it  and go inside.

"Y/N??" He whispers from his bed in the dark, "What's wrong?" 

"Alvero kissed me." You say, "I told him not to and he forced me." 

"That ass." You hear the anger in his voice as he leapt up. "Why does everyone want you so badly?" 

He came forward, the moonlight tracing his bare chest. His messy curls drooped over his tired blue eyes. Rage burned in them. But you watched him fight it as he stood in front of you. 

"I hated every second of it. I needed to tell you." You whisper. "I don't want to lose you again Cedric." You turn around and start to flee from him, guilt burning your face. 

"Oh Y/N you won't lose me. Not again, not ever." He breaths, taking your hand, turning you around, and looking you in the eyes. You leap into his arms, feeling his body heat against you and smelling his familiar cologne. He slides his hand calmingly around on your back, while his other hand strokes your hair. 

"I love you Y/N. More than anything. More than anyone. You can't lose me. You may try, but I'll never leave you." He says, his voice gravely from sleep. He walks you to his bed and lays you down. Then he covers you with a Hufflepuff quilt, and kisses you on the head before sliding in next to you. "Go to sleep baby, don't worry about that Alvero boy... I'll be...done with him by tomorrow."

"Ok" you mumble into the pillows. Then you drift asleep, but as you do you can't help but think about Alvero. It hadn't been a bad kiss by any means...         

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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