New Girl

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"Good morning students!" Dumbledore boomed, "I'd like to announce to arrival of a new student!" 

Y/N cheers, one handedly, your hand thumping against your thigh. Of course, your other hand was occupied intwined with Cedric's. A smile spreads across your face, and you blush as your boyfriend leans over and whispers in your ear, 

"Don't worry, whoever this is won't steal you from me." 

You smirk, "Alright, SIR." 

He grins, releasing a breath. 

"Huh." Cedric mutters suddenly, his eyes drifting from yours.  

You turn your head towards the front. A girl is standing there, she has long silky black hair, clear tan skin and is posing with her hand on her hip like she's going to be on a magazine. 

"Everyone please welcome Charlotte!" Dumbledore smiles warmly. You clap slowly, watching her annoying confidence play out next to the headmaster. 

"She looks really dumb." You blurt, although you know it's probably out of jealousy. 

"Aw come on Y/N, you don't mind a bit of competition?" Cedric jokes, but when he see's your outraged look he quickly begins lightly peppering your head with kisses, "Sorry love." 

You chuckle, "Of course she's winking  AT YOU."  Cedric turns and looks at Charlotte, watching her blow him a kiss. 

"Uh, no." He says, raising his eye brows, "Just no." 

And so you went to bed fine, confident with your ability to steer Charlotte and her prissy attitude away from Cedric. But the next morning, your fears were practically confirmed. 

As you walk into breakfast you scan the room for Cedric, then lock your jaw when you see who he's with. Together, laughing, sits Charlotte, her black hair done up in a braid, and Cedric, his hand resting too close to her for comfort. 

"Ah, this must be... your sister?"       

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