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Cedric had mentioned something about a "date" earlier. However, you hadn't actually took it in until now. He'd invited you down to the statue garden for lunch, so you'd quickly gotten changed and headed into the garden. 

Your eyes scan around the garden, looking for him. The last time you'd walked down here, he'd jumped out at you. You widen your stance, your stare gliding over intriguing stones, the hill where we'd made our confessions,

"Hey Y/N!" He calls, peeking out from behind a statue, "Are you okay?" 

You'd gone pale at the site of something on the hillside. Then your cheeks heated up again, your heart began to beat faster, 

"Is that... for me?" You stutter, your breath having been takin' out of you. 

"Yes, who else is here?" He smiles. You clasp hands and begin to walk towards his surprise. You kneel beside another statue. This one, however, is of you. Your features caught perfectly in his carving. Your face is locked in stone, but you can see the smile, the eyes creasing. 

"Wow," is all you can manage, "D-did you carve this??" Your heart seems to be pounding like some sort of some small heart attack has came across it. 

"Yes, I did. I was carving it while we were together, I stopped once Malfoy made his move. But then started again yesterday," He blushes sweetly, "Um, it's not creepy at all... is it?" 

"NOO!!" You yell, jumping up into him, "It's perfect!" 

Tears form, how had you not seen the intensity of his love fully before? You slowly press your forehead to his, feeling his nose nuzzling yours. 

"No, you're perfect." He says, gently running his hands through your hair, "And promise me, you won't find another guy who wants you desperately to kiss under the mistletoe." 

You chuckle, "god no." 

"Good, I'd miss you too much." 

"Promise me some hottie will never come along for you?" You joke. 

"Nope! You're the only hottie in my life." He banters, kissing your forehead. 

"Hold on!" He says, you cling to his shoulders readying yourself. Then Cedric begins to spin, spin in circles with you. You smile, feeling utterly blissful. Never again, will anything come between us!    

Cedric Diggory: Spinning in CirlcesWhere stories live. Discover now