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Rage boils through you, choking your heart, hot, pulsing anger travels through your bones. You feel utterly defeated. 

"Y/N, no... it isn't like that!" Cedric pleads, carelessly flinging Charlotte off. But it's too late, you shut the door with a slam, tears poring down your cheeks. You jump onto your bed, your ears ringing. Part of this is wrong!  You think, I cheated on Cedric, I'm just insane!

Theres a pounding at your door. You scrunch your mouth up, bite your lip, take a deep breath, wipe your tears, and open the door. Cedric Diggory stood outside, looking guilty. He gathered you into his arms. 

"I'm so sorry. I don't know what's gotten into her." 

As much as you wish you could pull away. You don't.  

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have reacted so strongly," You shudder. "I love you."

"I love you too." 

Days passed with no sign of Charlotte's lust for Cedric. She never sat with him anymore, let alone talked. And you're so happy that you don't have to worry about her anymore. One night, as you lay awake, all your problems bubble to the surface, with only a knock on the door.

"Come in!" You say cheerfully, sitting up on the bed. In walks Charlotte, her perfume extra strong and her hair fluffed, cascading in straight, shiny locks down her back. 

"Oh." You say, blinking rapidly, "Um hi?" 

"Hello." Charlotte says coldly, "I came to make something clear." 

"Okay... what is it?" You ask, bracing yourself for her insane lies. But instead she begins to sniffle, she covers her face, "What is it? What's wrong?" 

"I- I just.." She stammers, "Your going to hate me!" 

"Just get it over with. Rip off the band aid!" 

"Fine!" She cries, "Cedric kissed me! It felt so wrong since I know you two are together!" 

Your body seems to turn to stone right there and then. Your mouth frozen, open wide. Your eyes so round, you could be a cartoon. 

"What?" Is all you can muster, "No you're lying!" 

A lump gathers in your throat, tears beginning to prick at your eyes.

"I'm not lying... I'm sorry." She whimpers.        

Cedric Diggory: Spinning in CirlcesWhere stories live. Discover now