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After breakfast you follow Cedric to his dorm talking all the time. Cedric closes the door behind him once you're in.

You cross the room and sit on his bed, sinking into his mattress. Cedric follows you and sits down next to you.

"What is it you wanted to say to me?" You ask cautiously.

"Oh yes, well... I'm not sure how to say... this." He furrose his thick brows, "I suppose actions speak louder than words." Your mind swirls as he slowly advances towards you. Your cheeks begin to burn and a small whisper escapes your lips.

"Ced...?" He pauses only inches away from you.

"Yes?" He asks, lovingly combing some hair behind your ear.

"Say you won't break my heart." You say breathlessly.

"I promise I will NEVER break your heart." He nods, advancing further. You feel frozen as he draws out the moments before his lips touch yours perfectly. Forcing you to trace his features with your eyes, making your head be completely clouded for as long as it takes. But it is all worth it when you feel a gentle sensation of warmth on your lips. Cedric holds you close as he sends you a slice of paradise. Everything is quiet and sweet, only that amazing feeling of Cedric's lips pressing lightly on yours, growing more passionate by the second and the tickling sensation of his soft hands on your face... until there's a knock at the door. He slowly pulls away to your frustration, but the look on his face of pure joy is worth it.

"Well, I'd better check who that is." He chuckles. He gets up and grins, before crossing the room to the door.

"Come in." The door opens quickly and standing outside is a girl with long silky black hair, dark innocent brown eyes, and a very concerned look on her face.

"Cho- I didn't know you were sticking around for the holidays." He says looking confused and annoyed.

"Ced, I came to say that I miss our relationship." She says quietly, staring up at Cedric.

"Cho, I ended us months ago." Cedric says, looking a bit frustrated, "you know I can't get back with you..."

"But why?" She asks, looking disappointed. Cedric turns around to look at you and smiles.

"Let's just say... I've moved on." He says determinedly.

"What?" Cho says, peeking inside his dorm. As soon as your eyes meet, her once warm persona changes to ice cold.

"Oh." she sighs, "Well sorry for bothering you two." She then turns around and struts down the hallway.

"Sorry about that." He says, awkwardly coming back.

"It's okay." You reassure him. But on the inside you are fuming at Cho for ruining your moment.

"Um, so that just happened." You say laughing lightly.

"Yeah, I guess so, do you think you were ready?" He asks, looking concerned.

"Yes, more than ready." Cedric chuckles and advances again, but this time faster. Only to gently peck you on the lips, then study your face with a smile.

"I love you." He says gently stroking your face.

"I love you too." You stammer, frozen in place. Wow, that was.... Dreamy. You think, your mind swimming.

For the rest of the day you are floating so high in the sky that for 24 hours you can't hear anyone's words but Cedric's. At dinner you come in, your eyes glaze over. You twirl over to your table and sit down drowsily.

Cedric Diggory: Spinning in CirlcesWhere stories live. Discover now