A serious problem

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You try to yell as noiseless tears stream down your face. Jill lets out a small shriek.

"She's here! SHE IS HERE SOMEWHERE!" Cedric sobs.

You hear a crash and assume that he'd trampled over Jill and Hazels beauty boxes that they'd put on the floor. Hazel yelps and sits on your feet, you feel a shock of pain as Jill's rear bends your ankles into a very painful position.

"Ced, you have quidditch you have to go!" You hear Jill say frantically as you feel him getting closer.

"I don't care." He says, sounding helpless, "Hey what's that?"

Your head blows up thinking about how maybe Cedric had seen you.

"Noo, Ceddy! That's nothing! Don't look! CEDRIC!!" You listen in satisfaction as Jill tries to stop him from running to Hazel and your body. A moment later Cedric's relieved face appears over you as he rips the covers off you. He immediately yells the counter curse and picks you up into his warm arms. You sob into his shirt, holding on as tight as you can. You breathe in his scent wishing it would imprint into your nose. You feel hot tears streaming onto your head,

"I thought, I thought..." He stutters pulling your head into his shoulder,

"Shh, it's okay, I'm okay." You say, getting on your tiptoes and softly kissing his warm, pillowy lips.

Jill bursts out sobbing and screaming like a toddler.

Cedric doesn't care and instead begins kissing you more. He rests one hand on your shoulder and the other on your face. You sink into this feeling, and feel as Cedric pulls you closer and closer until you would be hugging him like a child hugs a teddy bear. Finally you break apart and catch your breath blushing like a ripe tomato.

"Jill. Hazel. I'll be reporting you to the headmaster if you refuse to promise never to do anything like this again." Cedric says, dead serious.

"We do, we do!" Jill screeches.

"Please don't get us expelled!" Hazel peeps.

"We're sorry!" They shriek in unison. Cedric nods and takes your hand in his, you both sprint away from the dorm.

"I can't believe that just happened!" You say breathlessly, your legs stinging from movement after being paralyzed.

"I know Y/N, I'm so sorry." Ced breathes, leading you quickly out into the quidditch stands, "Here, sit here, I'll see you after the game." You sit down and watch Cedric call his broom and fly off to warm up over the cheers and boos of the crowd.

"Ready folks?" Dean Thomas, (the announcer) says in a booming voice over the voice amplifier spell. The audience jeers and you take a deep breath and sniffle, before cheering,

"HUFFLEPUFF! HUFFLEPUFF! HUFFLEPUFF!" You glimpse Cedric give a cheeky grin before flying away into the sky and wooping in excitement. A moment later the game was afoot. The bludger flew into the air and a Slytherin rushed towards it... as well as Cedric. The Slytherin got to the ball first and held it securely under his thick arm. You watch in aw as your boyfriend rushes fearlessly towards a Slytherin's broom stick, he dodges under a bat from the opposition and hurries after the other boy. The ball flies through the air and straight over Cedric's head. A flash of gold skids past the boy that Ced was chasing and luckily the kid doesn't seem to notice the snitch changing directions. But your boyfriend does. He flips over and around in the crisp air and quickly gives chase on the snitch. Cedric is inches away from grasping the snitch and you stand up from your seat in anticipation.

"Oh!" You say smiling brightly. However, before Ced can get the snitch, a Slytherin comes up and buts him out of the way. 'They are at least 50 feet in the sky.' You calculate. Then, you watch in horror as Cedric loses control of his broom stick and plummets downwards, you see the color drain from his face and he and the bucking broom spiral towards the ground. He is flung off and grabs onto the broom at the last second, but it isn't enough. You rush forwards and yell,

"WENGARDIAM LEVIOSA!" But you miss and Cedric's hands slide off the broom. You watch in terror as he falls at horrid speeds towards the ground. The audience yells and a sickening THUD echoes around the stadium as Cedric slams into the floor. You scream and run forwards, bile rising in your throat at the sight of the injury. Cedric's head is bloody and covered in mud, he is covered in bruises and completely pale, his nose leaking blood.

"Oh no." You begin to cry again and kneel down at his side, "No, no, no!" You feel sick and dizzy.

The next thing you know you are in darkness and your head is spinning, you open your eyes and vomit onto madam Pomphrey's clean white sheets. Your eyesight is blurry and you feel a horrible throbbing in your head.

"What happened? Wheres Cedric?" You mutter weakly, looking around. A rush of fear floods over you, remembering what happened.

"Oh dear, your awake!" Madam Pomphrey says, bustling out of her office, "Oh my." She scrunches her round nose and whips out a large towel.

"Sorry ma'am," you apologize looking down at the greenish spot on the sheets.

"It's quite alright dear. Are you feeling alright?" She says, hustling over to your bed and scrubbing at the dirty covers.

"Scourjify." Pomphrey waves her wand and smiles warmly at you as the spot disappears.

"I'm alright... how's Cedric??" You ask frantically.

"Oh dear, he's going to live. He'll have to stay here for a few more nights though Y/N." She says regretfully. You sigh, a tsunami of relief washing over you.

"Could I see him?"

"Only if you feel well enough!"

"I do." Pomphrey helps you out of bed and leads you slowly over to Ced's bed. His head is wrapped in bandages and huge welts and scratches are covering his body.

"Oh dear." Pomphrey whispers, "He looks quite... pale."

"Well?" You ask, chewing anxiously on your fingernails.

"Well, he should still recover, just in a month or so." Your eyes shine with grief.

"What am I going to do?" You ask blinking at Cedric's set lips.

"Oh dear, go get some rest." You nod and sigh, yawning. You head back to your room, exhausted.

"Oh! Look who it is!" Malfoy chuckles from a corner of the hall. You keep walking, silently ignoring him.

"What ignoring me now Y/N?" Draco smirks.

"Yes, indeed I am."

"Oh my! I'm so distressed!" He mocks, walking after you.

"Please, just leave me alone!" You say turning to him and yelling, frustrated in his face. He licks his lips and looks, disgustingly down at yours.

"Umm what are you doing...?" You ask as he slowly moves closer staring at you in a way that you hate, like your a snack he can't wait to devour.

"Nobody here, no Mr. Golden boyfriend, no people around..." He sneers and wraps his cold hand around your waist.

"No, no, no, no." You say, leaning back away from him. He points upwards and you see, distressed, a bit of mistletoe. As you're distracted, he moves in and places a gentle kiss on your lips. He gets a bit carried away, at first you struggle, trying to get away. But soon, your kissing him back, melting into him, feeling his warmth. Finally you realize what your doing and your eyes open wide. You quickly break away and push him, hard.

"Woah, woah, woah." Malfoy grins, "I wasn't done sweetheart."

"No, no, no, no. I didn't, I didn't, I couldn't." You trip backwards in disgust at yourself and quickly get up and sprint down the halls. Tears stream from your eyes as you run, your feet planting hard on the ground.

'Oh god, I just cheated on Cedric Diggory. With damn Draco Malfoy.'

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