Doubt of Love

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The summer is nearing and as days grow hotter, so does your temper. Cedric and Charlotte seem to be hitting it off all of  the sudden. Charlotte's ruthless flirting seems to be... tempting to your boyfriend. Luckily, June was only a week away, meaning that the end of the year was a pausing point for school drama. You've wondered about what your relationship with Diggory would be like before, but now you can't bring yourself to think about it. If you do, you end up thinking about how Charlotte is Cedric's neighbor. Thoughts of what could go on with the two "Friends" spiral through your head... you feel lost. Like you don't matter to him. However, you know your own potential at least. 

'I don't need Cedric!' 

You continue to remind yourself, but then the good memories come flooding in. One night, you couldn't help but snap. Dinner was crowded. You sat alone, watching Charlotte and Diggory chatting on a bench two tables away. You look away to shovel some food into your mouth, before turning around. Only to behold something that breaks your heart so roughly, you can't even swallow the food. Charlotte is sprawled into your boyfriend's arms. She's nestled between his shoulders, and they're kissing. Their lips colliding over and over. You seem to be paralyzed. Is this some sick, revenge?!  You get up, so fast you get dizzy. It feels like you've just been punched, slapped, stabbed, shot. You walk over to them. Tears fall fast down your cheeks. 

"You two shits deserve each other." You roughly grab Charlotte's head and yank it backwards, "Get a room, and Cedric we're over." You spit. Then you run, you sprint down the hallway. Slamming the door to your dorm behind you.  

Cedric Diggory: Spinning in CirlcesWhere stories live. Discover now