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Finally, it's the last day of school before summer break. The day is warm and full of echoes from teens gathering their luggage. Your mood is horrible but the idea of being away from all the drama felt good. Charlotte and Cedric were sitting together, she flirted with him. Touching noses and other things that you'd done with him first. Yet, Cedric didn't seem very excited. 

The boarding of the Hogwarts Express began. You walked on, tugging a suitcase behind you. You sigh, finding an empty car. The train wound through scenery that would usually aw you. Trees, mountains, sun streaked streams all blurred past. 

After hours the express paused to let the kids off. You hopped off. People buzzed with excitement and happiness around you. You make your way to where your car is parked. 

Home. At last. Alone. No Cedric. He's never coming back you think. Laying on the ground of the attic. Dust spirals ahead of you. Sunlight shining onto your face through the window. The cool ground felt nice. Downstairs, there comes a knock. You slowly tromp down to answer. You open the door, not knowing what to expect. A boy with nice eyes, brown bouncy hair, and a cheeky smile greets you. Cedric Amous Diggory. Your eyes widen, you feel a small smile cross your face. 

"May I?" He asks, walking inside. 

"Of course." 

You lead him up to the attic, you lay down next to him. Feeling his gaze on your cheeks. 

"I'm so sorry," He says earnestly, "I don't know how I let Charlotte in like that." 

"It's alright," You say sympathetically, "I do love you, you know. It never went away." 

"Y/N, you have no idea how much I adore every inch of you," he whispers, "I want to love you again. I can't live without you." 

"Oh come on!" You chuckle, turning to look into his eyes. He stands up, holding out his hand to help you up. You grab it, hurling yourself into his arms. You feel his body emanating heat, he leans down. He gently kisses your head, rubbing his hand through it. He strokes your back, his soothing touch refreshing to your senses. He softly lifts your chin up, your eyes connecting. 

"Please, be my girlfriend?" 

"Yes, always." 

He leans into you, your lips collide. He rhythmically pets your shoulders, running his hands over your cheeks. He quickly bends to your ear, 

"I'll do anything for you."       

Cedric Diggory: Spinning in CirlcesWhere stories live. Discover now