Late Night

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It was late Saturday night. The dark sky was so inky it was blue. You stare out the window, your eyes trace the stars, the moonlight shining over the left over snow. You sigh, thinking about how glad you are now that you and Cedric are back together. You turn around and see your roommates asleep. There is a quiet knock at your door, you startle before rushing to open it. Standing there is his pajamas is Cedric, his soft hair looking very bed-heady. He scratches his head, grinning at you. 

"Um hi." You say, smiling warmly. 

"Sorry to drop in this late." He whispers, looking around. 

"Whats up?" You ask, concern consuming confusion, "Are you ok?" 

"Yeah, I'm alright." He chuckles, "I just wanted to snuggle." His face reddens as soon as the words are out. 

"Aww," You giggle, "Come in." You gesture for him to sit on your bed, before sitting next to him. He turns to you. You tilt your head, before reaching out and pawing his chest. He smiles crookedly at you, before picking you up and sitting you down on his lap. You blush, looking away from him. He tilts your chin towards him gently, he nears you and you breathe in his scent. Your lips don't quite touch before he falls backwards, your head landing horizontally on his chest. He grins before cuddling your head close to him. He pulls the blankets up over your feet, 

"There, so your feet won't get cold." He smirks, kissing you on the head. You close your eyes, and your heart slows. You inch farther into him, 


Moments later you're falling into dreamland. 

You wake up with blankets pulled up over you and a weight on top of you. You open your eyes to Cedric is looming over you. 

"Good morning." He smiles, "I was wondering when you'd wake up." 

You chuckle, running your fingers through his hair. 

"Alright Mr. Early bird, ready for breakfast?" You ask, sitting up and lifting yourself out of bed with a great deal of effort. He nods eagerly. 

You head to the bathroom to change. You string a golden heart necklace onto yourself before changing into some sweatpants and a t shirt. Together with Cedric you head to the dining room to house some French Toast. 


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