New Boy

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You're so glad to finally be back at Hogwarts after summer. You're sitting next to your boyfriend Cedric, watching him gobble down some chicken. There's a buzz in the air as the first years bustle around and the older students like you and Cedric (as 6th years) talk to the new students about all the strange quirks of Magic School. 

Cedric turns to you and smiles, "I'm glad we spent the summer together." 

"Me too," you say winking and watching him blush, "Thanks for coming after me." 

"Anytime." He says, patting you on the head. 

He leans in and your lips meet for a soft moment. You pull him in and run your fingers through his hair as he strokes your cheek and continues kissing you. You pull apart when Dumbledore coughs loudly, and then yells,


The buzz of the great hall stops. You turn your head and look at the front of the room. 


A tall boy with black bangs hanging above his eyes and glasses over the most gorgeous green eyes you've ever seen walks out into the Great Hall. He is about your age and smiles when he passes you on his way to the sorting hat. He sits, and smiles crookedly, his eyes flashing with excitement. 

"SLYTHERIN!" The hat calls. The boy got up and walked confidently over to the Slytherin table.

"Y/N, Y/N?" Cedric waves his hand in front of you.

"What?" You ask, turning back to him and smiling. 

"Nothing" He says after a while, looking down, "You were just staring for a while at Alvero." 

"No I wasn't!" You respond raising your eyebrows and blushing. 

"Okay..." Cedric says, picking at his food. 

Later that night, as you're walking back to your dorm after saying goodnight to Cedric, you run into something hard. 

"Hello, Love." A deep, british voice rumbles from above you. You look up frantically apologizing, and your eyes meet those gorgeous green ones. It's Alvero. 

"Oh, um sorry, I need to go," You say, swallowing and heading away, "Wait are you lost? Why are at the Hufflepuff dorms?"

"Let's say that I was lost, would you help me find my dorm?" He asks, grabbing your wrist. 

"Sure." You say, then wince. Man Alvero is gorgeous. His muscle toned arms flex under his thin button up. And that voice would would be the death of you. 

"What's your name?" He asks, gently pulling you back to him. 

"Y/N..." You stutter, "Um, you're Alvero." 

You lead him down into the dimly lit corridor outside the Slytherin common room. Alvero turns and thanks you, smiling and showing a set of perfect white teeth. 

"Can I tell you a secret?" He asks, tilting his head, "I wasn't lost. I just wanted to talk to you." 

You swallow and slowly back up a bit, however he leans closer. 

"And why is that?" You ask, you're breath heaving, he's too attractive to be this close to. And he smells like cinnamon. 

"Because I'm single and when I see something I want I like to go after it." He winks, and gently you feel an arm wrapping around your waist. 

"You've just met me that's absurd." You try to object before you can't anymore.

"I know. I just move quickly in relationships. Especially when they look like you Y/N." His finger skims your chin, tilting your face up to look at him. You try to resist because you know once you're too close, it'll be too much to resist. 

"Um, well..." You glance away. 

"Please, Y/N? I'd like to get to know you better." 

"Through my lips first?" You furrow your brow and purse your lips. 


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